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NevadaTeach allows you w88 casino gamesto complete a rigorous degree in any STEM field and qualify to teach middle or high school in STEM fields.

To complete the NevadaTeach program and be prepared to teach middle or school, you must:

  • Take the courses in the NevadaTeach sequence, which includes a semester of Apprentice Teaching.
  • Choose a certification area and take the required course content to qualify w88 casino games loginfor that certification. If you are majoring in a STEM field, courses for certification may overlap with the courses required for your degree. Your advisor can tell you which ones.
  • Build a portfolio with reflections and samples of your work from every NevadaTeach course.

As a NevadaTeach student, you will need to meet with advisors in both the College of Science or CABNR (depending on your STEM field) and in the College of Education and Human Development to ensure you are on track for graduation.