Questions for w88 slot

By: Jill Grattan, w88 casino Dual Sensory Impairment Project

General Questions

  1. Are w88 slot a pediatric dentist?
  2. What information should I bring regarding w88 slot's medical history (is a verbal report ok or should I bring copies of medical records)?
  3. What information should I bring regarding w88 slot's dental history (is a verbal report ok or should I bring copies of dental records)?
  4. What information should I bring regarding w88 slot's social history?
  5. Do you have experience working with children who have [blank] (w88 slot's specific diagnosis)?
  6. Do you have experience working with children who have [blank] (w88 slot's medical condition)?

General Dental Questions

  1. When does w88 slot get [blank] (type of baby teeth)?
  2. When does w88 slot get his/her permanent teeth?
  3. How many times per day should I brush w88 slot’s teeth? For how long?
  4. What type of toothpaste/toothbrush should I use with w88 slot?
  5. When can w88 slot brush his/her teeth without supervision?
  6. How do I know when w88 slot with special needs is getting a cavity? What do I look for on his/her teeth? In his/her behavior?
  7. How do I teach w88 slot to tolerate flossing?
  8. How do I teach w88 slot to tolerate tooth brushing?
  9. Does w88 slot community have fluoride in the water?
  10. Should I give w88 slot fluoride?

Planning the Visit

  1. Can we discuss what w88 slot’s needs are before the appointment?
  2. Can we discuss what to expect at the first appointment before the appointment so I can prepare w88 slot?
  3. Can I have a pre-appointment orientation to familiarize my child with w88 slot dental office, equipment, staff, etc.?
  4. How many times can we visit, before the actual appointment, to familiarize w88 slot with the dental office?
  5. Could we arrange a brief fun way to introduce the dental office staff to w88 slot prior to them touching w88 slot?

Regarding the Visit

  1. Can I stay with w88 slot throughout the exam?
  2. Will w88 slot explain each part of exam and why w88 slot are doing that exam?
  3. Will w88 slot introduce instruments by allowing the child to touch and hold instrument?
  4. Will w88 slot touch the part of the mouth the instrument will be in contact with?
  5. Will you allow for extra time with w88 slot for w88 slot to process the information?
  6. Can w88 slot hold a comfort object throughout the exam?

Regarding Potential Problem Behavior

  1. Are you willing to work with me to develop a plan to teach w88 slot to cooperate with dental procedures?
  2. Can you provide details regarding any behavioral assessments that may take place in w88 slot office (i.e., what do you typically do)?
  3. What information should I bring regarding w88 slot’s behavior support plan?
  4. Are you willing to follow the guidelines of w88 slot’s existing behavior support plan?
  5. Are you willing to accept feedback (what is working and what is not working) about w88 slot interactions with my child, so that we can work together to improve my child’s success?
  6. If w88 slot does not cooperate during the visit, what are our options?
    1. Voice control, distraction, etc.?
    2. Protective restraint?
    3. Nitrous oxide (laughing gas)?
    4. Oral conscious sedation?
    5. General anesthesia?
  7. What if I don’t like (option)? What is the next step?