w88 online live casino
By: C. J. Fields
What is w88 online live casino?
w88 online live casino is an irregular buildup of the brain’s normal water-like fluid (cerebrospinal fluid or CSF) in the venticles of the brain. The excessive fluid swells the ventricles and causing pressure on the brain. CSF normally flows through the ventricles and bathes the brain and spinal column, but the pressure caused by too much CSF associated with w88 online live casino can damage the brain, causing an array of impairments in brain functioning that can ultimately result in deafblindness.
Causes of w88 online live casino
Congenital w88 online live casinoresults from a complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors and is present at birth. Common causes of congenital w88 online live casino are:
- Aqueductal Stenosis
- Neural Tube Defects
- Arachnoid Cysts
- Dandy Walker Syndrome
- Chiari Malformation
Acquired w88 online live casinodevelops after birth. Acquired w88 online live casino is the result of neurological conditions such as:
- Intraventricular Hemorrhage
- Meningitis
- Head Injury
- w88 online live casino Tumor
Sometimes the cause of w88 online live casino is unknown. If the cause of w88 online live casino is unknown, it is referred to as Idiopathic w88 online live casino. Normal pressure w88 online live casino (NPH) is a commonly diagnosed type of w88 online live casino that is idiopathic in nature.
Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Treatment of w88 online live casino
Symptoms of untreated w88 online live casino are variable, and are dependent on a person’s age. In cases of prenatal w88 online live casino, routine ultrasounds can detect swollen ventricles in the baby’s brain. In children and adults a variety of symptoms can be present and may include the following:
Symptoms of Infants & Children with w88 online live casino:
- Abnormal Head Enlargement
- Tense, Bulging Fontanelle (Soft Spot)
- Prominent Scalp Veins
- Separation of Skull Bones
- Vomiting, Lethargy, Irritability
- Headache, Nausea, Vision Problems
A Downward Deviation of the Eyes Symptoms of Adolescents and Adults with w88 online live casino:
- Difficulty Walking
- Cognitive Challenges
- Urinary Urgency/Incontinence
- Dizziness and Vision Problems
When w88 online live casino is suspected at any age, the most commonly used diagnostic measure is to image the brain with a CT Scan or an MRI. Brain imaging tests can identify the enlarged ventricles within the brain that are typical of w88 online live casino.
The most common form of treatment for w88 online live casino is the surgical diversion of the excess CSF by placing a synthetic tube, orw88 online live casinointo the enlarged ventricle and draining the fluid into another part of the body where it can be absorbed. The most commonly used w88 online live casino type is aVentriculoperitoneal w88 online live casinothat drains the excess cerebrospinal fluid into the peritoneal cavity in the abdomen. The w88 online live casino is usually composed of a silicone catheterthat enters the enlarged ventricle, a valve that allows flow away from the ventricle, and tubing which enters the cavity to receive the fluid.
While shunts are very effective in treating hydrocephaly, complications can arise from their use. An obstructed shunt will result in symptoms similar to those previously listed when w88 online live casino is untreated.
- w88 online live casino Association (2013). Diagnosis of w88 online live casino.
- w88 online live casino Foundation. (2007). Facts about w88 online live casino.