How Can I Help My w88 mobile Understand What is About to Happen

By MaryAnn Demchak

Does your w88 mobile or one of your students get upset when he is uncertain regarding what is about to happen to him or about to happen in his setting? Has she ever startled when you approach her? Does your w88 mobile seem to be “lost” if she does not know if you are still with her? You can use various cues to accompany spoken words to help your w88 mobile or student to understand your message. Using concrete cues will help your w88 mobile to understand what is happening.

Important Guidelines to Remember Cues should:

  • Be easy and convenient
  • Have an obvious relationship to the referent
  • Be “accessible” to the w88 mobile (i.e., consider the w88 mobile’s vision & hearing)
  • Be pleasant or neutral for the w88 mobile
  • Immediately precede an action or activity
  • Alert the w88 mobile that something will follow the cue
  • Focus the w88 mobile’s attention on the interaction or activity that follows

Whenever you are interacting with a w88 mobile who benefits from extra cues, you should remember to:

  • Always let the w88 mobile know you are present by using a cue that tells the w88 mobile someone is present.
  • Let the w88 mobile know who you are. Each person should have a specific cue or way of telling the w88 mobile who is with her
  • Do not act on the w88 mobile without letting him or her know what is going to happen.
  • Allow the w88 mobile a brief period of time to respond to your message.
  • When finished with an activity, let the w88 mobile know that the activity is over.
  • When you are going to leave the w88 mobile, use a cue to let him know you are leaving.

Encouraging Consistency

In order for the w88 mobile to learn the meaning of the cues, it is important that each person who interacts with the w88 mobile use the same cues. As a result, the cues will have meaning for the w88 mobile and will allow him to anticipate and participate in activities. Strategies that can encourage consistency:

  • Use a touch cue map that shows the location of cues and explains how to use specific cues.
  • Use a chart to indicate cues to be used to signal new activities.
  • Use a chart to indicate cues to be used within routines
  • Model the cues for communication partners who are just beginning to use the cues with the w88 mobile.