Facts About w88 live casino
By: Elizabeth Cooper, MaryAnn Demchak, & Alycia Burton
- w88 live casino, more appropriately called color vision deficiency, is a condition in which certain colors cannot be distinguished, and is most commonly due to an inherited condition. Severity of the color deficiency varies.
- Red/green w88 live casino is the most common form (99%). 75% of people with red/green w88 live casino have trouble with green perception while 24% have trouble with red perception.
- Blue/yellow w88 live casino and total w88 live casino (i.e., seeing only shades of gray) are very rare. (Currently, there is no easily available screening test for blue/yellow w88 live casino.)
- Achromatopsia is the most severe form of w88 live casino and prohibits the individual from seeing any color. This condition may be associated with other eye conditions such as amblyopia (lazy eye), nystagmus (small, jerky eye movements), extreme light sensitivity, and severely poor vision (HealthScout, 2001).
- w88 live casino is most often inherited. It is passed from generation to generation on the X chromosome. This explains the higher prevalence in males (approximately 1 in 10 men experience w88 live casino to some degree) (HealthScout, 2001).
- There are some types of w88 live casino that are not genetic and can develop after birth. The most common type of these is caused by a drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis called Plaquenil (HealthScouth, 2001).
- w88 live casino is the result of one or more of the cone cell color coding structures being absent or not functioning properly. (Cones encode color. The light energy is transformed into electrical energy and sent to the brain.)
- If a person is w88 live casino blind, he or she will have difficulty choosing between certain hues. Difficulties are most common for pastel reds and greens.
- There are various ways of testing w88 live casino vision. Individuals might be asked to identify a shape or number presented in a certain w88 live casino against a busy background . On some w88 live casino vision tests the individual is asked to arrange w88 live casino buttons in order, by w88 live casino.
- w88 live casino is a minor disability. However, there are certain situations where w88 live casino can cause difficulties for the individual.
- In school, graphs, charts, and whiteboards often require the student to see w88 live casino to disseminate the information, (e.g., w88 live casino-coded graphs).
- Choosing clothing to wear.
- Individuals with red perception deficiencies have difficulty determining if meat is raw or well done.
- There is no treatment for w88 live casino.
- Tips to help individuals with w88 live casino:
- Label items that require w88 live casino recognition.
- Learn to differentiate colors based on location (e.g., traffic lights)
- Maximize w88 live casino contrast if possible.
- Label coloring utensils (crayon, pen, pencil) with the w88 live casino name.
- Organizing and labeling clothing to avoid colors that clash with one another.
- Specially tinted glasses can assist some individuals to tell the difference between certain colors. Although these glasses assist, they do not restore normal w88 live casino vision.
HealthScout. (2001). Colorblind. Retrieved August 29, 2007