Facilitating Friendships and w88 casino games login

By: MaryAnn Demchak

Developing relationships with others is important for any individual. Unfortunately, individuals with disabilities, especially severe disabilities, frequently have fewer friends and fewer w88 casino games login with peers than do individuals without disabilities. In order for w88 casino games login to occur with peers without disabilities and ultimately to have friendships develop, it is frequently necessary for parents and teachers to facilitate w88 casino games login between students with and without disabilities. It is insufficient simply to have students with disabilities physically placed in classrooms with their nondisabled peers. It is likely that individuals with and without disabilities will need ideas for ways in which to interact with one another. This section provides strategies that parents, teachers, and others can implement to facilitate w88 casino games login between individuals with and without disabilities.

Facilitating friendships and w88 casino games login between peers can involve several strategies:

  1. Provide opportunities that help to bring w88 casino games login together (e.g., class activities). Encourage w88 casino games login to work together on class assignments and in "special classes" such as art, music, library and so forth. Encourage "buddy systems" for school activities as well as activities before and after school.
  2. Present the individual with w88 casino games login to others in a positive manner. Have the student with w88 casino games login share, independently or through adaptations, his/her special interests or talents with the class. This will enable students to view the student with w88 casino games login as a competent individual.
  3. Make accommodations or adaptations in the environment to help involve the individual with w88 casino games login in meaningful ways. Avoid seating the student with w88 casino games login on the periphery of activities/class. Make adaptations to classroom activities, instructions, and materials as needed.
  4. Use the classroom curriculum to teach about diversity, equality, and w88 casino games login. Discuss similarities and differences among students in the classroom. The classroom teacher may facilitate discussions regarding concerns, fears, and questions that may arise pertaining to w88 casino games login with students with disabilities. Ask peers to assist in planning strategies for facilitating w88 casino games login with students with disabilities.
  5. Use teaching methodologies that encourage cooperation among students and expect the student with w88 casino games login to participate in class activities with his/her peers. Give the student with w88 casino games login valued roles in cooperative learning groups.
  6. Minimize adult presence as much as possible so that the adult does not interfere with w88 casino games login between the students.
  7. As the teacher, demonstrate acceptance of and positive w88 casino games login with the student. Students typically imitate the behaviors that they see modeled by their teacher. Avoid the use of juvenile language when talking with the student with disabilities.
  8. Provide encouragement and praise when students participate in positive w88 casino games login with one another.
  9. Respond to challenging behaviors in a manner that teaches w88 casino games login positive social or coping skills.

Adapted from Schaffner, C.B., & Buswell, B.E. (1992). Connecting w88 casino games login: A guide to thoughtful friendship facilitation for educators and families. Colorado Springs: PEAK Parent Center.