Questions for Parents of w88 online game Age Children in Planning Transition to New Teachers

By: Idaho Project for Children and Youth with Deaf-Blindness

  1. Does the teacher have information about w88 online game child's medication needs?
  2. Does the staff know how to recognize what is, and what is not, a medical emergency for w88 online game son or daughter?
  3. Does the w88 online game have a medical release and insurance information on file?
  4. Is all the staff familiar with support staff terminology (e.g. abduction, supine, etc) that is used when discussing w88 online game child?
  5. Is the w88 online game staff familiar with my child's particular positioning requirements with regards to the purpose of particular positions, equipment, proper use of and precautions, amount of time in certain positions and equipment, and what kind of activities my child can be participating during those times?
  6. Is the staff familiar with how w88 online game child communicates through his/her body language? Have they created a body language dictionary for staff members and other children?
  7. Is the staff aware of the signs and communication systems that my child uses at home? Are they the same signs and systems used at w88 online game?
  8. Has the staff conducted any form of person centered w88 online game (e.g. MAPS) for my child? Is that information included in my child's file?
  9. How will the general education teacher receive information about w88 online game child?
  10. Has the general education teacher observed w88 online game child in his or her current classroom?
  11. Is the general education teacher familiar with w88 online game child's IEP goals and objectives?
  12. Has the general education teacher been included in transition meetings?
  13. Does the special education staff have a copy of the general education classroom schedule?
  14. Has an instructional schedule matrix been developed that demonstrates where w88 online game child has an opportunity to practice his or her goals and objectives?
  15. Do we, as a family, have priority goals and objectives? (e.g. communication) Have we discussed our priorities with the w88 online game staff?
  16. Have classroom participation plans been developed for w88 online game son or daughter? (e.g. adaptations, modifications, etc.)
  17. How does the staff know that w88 online game child is meeting his or her goals and objectives?
  18. How, when and why do they make changes in w88 online game child's program?
  19. How often does the staff communicate with me? How do they do it? (e.g. daily notebook, telephone, team meeting)
  20. Does w88 online game child's team meet on a regular basis? (Note:Regularis a relative term and may mean once a week for some students and quarterly for other students.)
  21. Does the team keep meeting minutes?
  22. Does the team always leave with anaction plan?
  23. Are we always included in the team meetings?
  24. Has the team developed a portfolio of information that describes my son or daughter's program (e.g. video tapes, signs used at home and w88 online game, classroom participation plan examples, meeting minutes, etc.) that can be given to new teachers and staff?