What to Expect
The w88 Assistive Technology Resource w88 (NATRC) and the rest of ourNevada w88 Technology Collaborative (NATC) ishere to help. We believe that meaningful interactions begin with an engagement process whereby w88 as the person with a disability are the consumer and are the most important person in the discussion, and we are here to guide w88 along the path.
Many folks who contact us might be looking for a specific solution and that’s fine. Ideally and before we can get to that point, it's often best to have a conversation about your needs and what w88 are trying to accomplish. What is your Goal? w88 are the expert and in control of the process, so we rely on w88 to explain your situation, and from there we begin to understand how we can help and how AT can help w88 reach those goals. Without this type of process, we have seen many examples of inappropriate referrals and device recommendations, as well as the potential of device abandonment because it doesn’t work for the individual. We want to avoid these pitfalls.
Navigating the system sometimes can be frustrating. But please, start with us. You will find that there are knowledgeable people working within our collaborative, and many are people with disabilities themselves who are users of w88 technology. And it is always nice, as you know, to talk to someone who also shares similar barriers and can discuss things from a functional standpoint. Regardless, we will always try to connect you to knowledgeable individuals best positioned to communicate your options.
If w88 would like more information about our project or would like to discuss how we could work together to support your AT interests and needs, please contact us.