Core descriptions and equipment lists: w88 live casino – Cell Biology of Signaling Across Membranes
Animal w88 live casino - Transgenic
Animal w88 live casino can generate knockout and transgenic mouse strains, perform gene targeting by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells, provide selected assisted reproductive procedures such as IVF, help procure and import strains from other institutions, re-derive contaminated strains to generate pathogen-free mice, and perform cryopreservation according to contemporary practices and procedures. All work is done inside a full-barrier vivarium to help assure the quality of product and compliance with the highest animal welfare standards.
Website: Animal w88 online live casino
Director: Ben Weigler | (775) 784-4874
w88 live casino List
- Sutter Micropipette Puller
- Narishige Microforge
- Nikon Zoom Stereomicroscope for embryo handling (Model SMZ800)
- Eppendorf FemtoJet
- Nikon Eclipse Microscope (Model TE300)
- Bead Sterilizers
- CO2 w88 live casino culture incubators
- Bench top autoclaves
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) w88 live casino (w88 live casino A)
The w88 live casino Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) core primarily serves the needs of w88 live casino projects and other cell biology projects in ultra structural morphology. The electron microscopy (EM) suite houses a TEM that is equipped with an analog negative (5x7) photosystem as well as a digital imaging system. Adjacent to the EM suite is a sectioning facility containing a fully equipped darkroom and an assortment of microtomes.
Website: live casino/cores
Manager: Andrea Agarwal | (775) 784-4635
w88 live casino List
- Philips CM10 transmission electron microscope (TEM) with a GATAN BioScan 792 digital scanner
- Leica Ultracut Ultramicrotome (2) with Reichert FCS cryo attachment
- Digital Micrograph 2.1.0 image analysis software
Confocal Imaging w88 live casino
The confocal imaging w88 live casino is located in the Howard Medical Sciences Building and houses a laser scanning confocal microscope. Training and scoping time is provided by appointment.
Director: Maria Valencik | (775) 784-1389
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- Olympus FV1000 laser scanning confocal microscope
w88 live casino Metabolism Core
The w88 live casino Metabolism Core assists with the measurement and analysis of energy-producing pathways using an extracellular flux analyzer for measuring w88 live casino metabolism by simultaneously measuring oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis in tissue and cells.
Director: Ruben Dagda | (775) 784-4121
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- Seahorse Bioscience XFe24 Extracellular Flux Analyzer
Tissue Culture w88 live casino
Located in the Max Fleischmann Agriculture Building, the Tissue Culture Core provides a common use area for tissue culture, including two rooms with tissue culture hoods and incubators. The core also features an outer prep lab for preparing reagents and samples, with a fluorescence plate reader. Additional services include cryostorage of w88 live casino lines and the development of monoclonal antibodies.
Director: Minkyung Kim | (775) 784-6356