The Department of Mining and Metallurgical w88 casino offers anM.S. in Metallurgical w88 casino, an M.S. in Mining w88 casino and a Ph.D. in Mineral Resource w88 casino. Our graduate programs graduate exceptionally skilled and knowledgeable researchers and professionals in the earth sciences and w88 casino disciplines.
Mining and metallurgical w88 casino graduate degree programs

M.S. in Metallurgical w88 casino
The Department of Mining and Metallurgical w88 casino offers a program leading to the degree of Master of Science in Metallurgical w88 casino. The program is designed to give students foundational knowledge in extractive metallurgy, hydrometallurgy, and, pyrometallurgy, as well as in more specialized areas of metallurgical w88 casino.

M.S. in Mining w88 casino
The Department of Mining and Metallurgical w88 casino offers a program leading to the degree of Master of Science in mining w88 casinoStudents can elect to pursue one of the following specialization fields, such as mine design, rock mechanics, mine ventilation, computer applications, automation, material handling, mine management, operations research, and mineral economics.

Ph.D. in Mineral Resource w88 casino
The Ph.D. in Mineral Resource Engineering is an interdisciplinary degree that combines studies from the Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering and Department of Geological Sciences, with applications in mine ventilation, mine environmentalism, reclamation, robotics, and more.The University's mineral resource engineering faculty have been at the forefront of numerous w88 casino-based and worldwide engineering projects that require insight into the planet's natural features or the mineral resource extraction process.