Nurse w88

If nursing is your professional goal, there is no better place to begin your career than with the Army ROTC. The Army ROTC offers w88 a unique opportunity to gain practical experience while w88 receive financial assistance for college. Nursing majors compete for two-year, three-year, or four-year scholarships.

w88 enhances your undergraduate or graduate nursing education by providing unique leadership and management training, along with the practical experience needed for success, either in the Army or in a civilian career. w88 develop your professional skills while you learn some meaningful things about yourself and what you can accomplish. w88 also develop leadership skills, self-confidence, flexibility and adaptability while having fun.

As a ROTC w88 cadet, you will be able to combine military science courses with an invaluable w88 summer training experience to make up your nursing program.

After obtaining your baccalaureate degree and meeting the prerequisites, w88 receive a commission as an Army Nurse w88 (ANC) officer. Once you have identified your assignment choices, w88 be ready to take on the challenges of your profession in one of the Army hospitals in the U.S., Germany, or Korea.

As an officer, w88'll have the opportunity to lead, advance professionally, obtain specialized training, work with the latest medical technology and serve with other highly trained medical personnel as an important member of the health care team.