Organizers plan to offer the event in fall 2025
Greiner’s research on nuclear packaging leads to appointment to board that reviews Department of Energy activities
Quinn Padovan and Caden Kuster awarded 3 w88 casino Undergraduate Research Awards, presented twice at Wolf Pack Discoveries
Mechanical w88 live casino faculty publish findings in Current Biology
Pradeep Menezes and Mano Misra lead 0,000 NRC-funded project
Alessandro Ralls hopes to continue his career in the mechanical w88 live casino field
Selected for the astronaut program in 1990, Collins was the first woman to pilot the space shuttle Discovery
'It has taken a large team many years to bring it all together.'
Student Robert Gillespy shares his experiences in Germany and Mexico
Mechanical w88 live casino professor awarded million grant to apply emerging knowledge in insect neuroscience to the development of autonomous robotic systems
Project was part of NASA’s Nationwide Eclipse Balloon Project
Project led by Mano Misra is part of interdisciplinary effort to develop a regional lithium economy
The million gift is the largest individual cash gift the University has received in its 149-year history
The Aerospace Club at the w88 casino, Reno is growing in numbers and members are constantly pushing themselves and the boundaries of rocketry
Research will investigate the control of aeroelastic instabilities for lightweight and flexible aircraft wings
Faculty, students showcase nuclear-related programs
‘Mobile Power Station,’ other senior capstone projects will be showcased on campus May 5 at Innovation Day
National prize recognizes those studying nuclear waste management
Lei Cao’s research could help industry manufacture stronger, more flexible titanium alloys
A Q-&-A with one of the scholars from the National Science Foundation-funded “Creating Retention and Engagement for Academically Talented Engineers” program. Tyreis Gatson is a member of the first cohort of CREATE program scholars.
The Deming Award is given by Graduate School USA.
Aditya Nair’s network project receives an Early Career Research Program grant.
An all-time high of 13 student-awardees affiliated with the w88 casino, Reno receive the prestigious NSF fellowship
w88 live casino student Erick Bandala wins speech competition with presentation about 3D bioprinting.
See students present short videos of their inventions on the Innovation Day website, online today.
Mechanical w88 live casino professor finds real-world ways to teach students
U.S. News 2023 Best w88 live casino Schools Rankings include multiple College of w88 live casino programs.
Ashish Kasar wins a Sam Lieberman Regents’ Award for Student Scholarship.
w88 live casino research to develop safe Unmanned Aerial Systems set to begin this summer
On August 20, the College of w88 live casino held a welcoming ceremony for the 8 National Merit Scholars and 55 Presidential Scholars who joined the College this fall.
On September 22, the College of w88 live casino will connect students with employers and agencies offering internships and jobs.
A five-year, -million National Science Foundation collaboration brings together researchers from 9 universities.
With support from Tesla and EDAWN, unique University facility for robotics-based education and competition teams will strengthen the path to degrees, careers and workforce development
New aerospace engineering program will build on w88 casino's rich history in the aerospace industry
The environmental w88 live casino student’s speech, “Still Water in Coal Run,” focused on the importance of ethical practice in water infrastructure w88 live casino.
Research will advance heat-transfer solutions for microchip and laser technologies through improved nanoscale w88 live casino
On April 30, the College of w88 live casino launched a website with project descriptions and lightning talks from all 105 student teams.
Ph.D. candidates Megan Higley and Frank Pulciano have received the Post Scholarship for their research in nuclear energy and packaging.
In honor of International Women's Day, we celebrate the recent successes (and headlines) of the women in the College of w88 live casino
Last year, Mechanical w88 live casino Assistant Professor Feifei Fan earned a National Science Foundation CAREER award for her research on lithium-ion rechargeable batteries. She shares the scientific, commercial and societal implications of the project.
The College of w88 live casino recognizes the contributions of its exceptional alumni like Sierra Gonzales through its Profiles in Excellence series.
w88 live casino education Ph.D. student and CREATE program coordinator emphasizes identity and community for academic and industry success
Southside Studio becomes home to robotics-based education and competition teams, strengthening the path to degrees and careers
College of w88 live casino Assistant Professor Aditya Nair is developing the predictive capabilities of the Truckee Meadows COVID-19 Risk Meter
Van Breugel is one of 36 scientists to receive 0,000 through the Air Force's Young Investigator Research Program (YIP) from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)
The research will improve oil spill recovery and reduce the carbon footprint of manufacturers
Third-year student Steffany Yang represents the College of w88 live casino and is the chair for the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs
The latest prestigious early-career awards will advance research in wildfire-smoke forecasting, battery performance and understanding brain function
Dr. Floris van Breugel studies insects for inspiration in designing robust and novel control systems for robots
Rebecca Histed, graduate student, won a prestigious National Science Foundation award and makes a difference in the mechanical w88 live casino department
Petros Voulgaris will join the University in 2020 to lead the new program, which will build on the College of w88 live casino's established research strengths in unmanned aerial systems.
“We are so fortunate to have been able to hire such a promising group of scholars,” said Manos Maragakis, dean of the College of w88 live casino.
With a diverse group of researchers and expertise, the College can expect tremendous growth and instruction for students
Student club passionate about mechanics competes in Baja SAE competition against other colleges
w88 casino, Reno hosts international summer session for nuclear packaging certificate
Engineering faculty at w88 casino’s research universities join with DRI to develop and host Robotics Academy of w88 casino
These prestigious awards from the National Science Foundation benefit research opportunities for new faculty
w88 live casino's Vollstedt and Anthropology's Smith honored
The open showcase features a wide variety of projects
University joins with DRI and UNLV to announce new Tesla-supported programs to advance STEM interest and education
The College had a number of new programs ranked in 2019
Accelerated program and unique certificate provide hands-on research skills for w88 live casino grad
SPIE is a professional society with more than 18,500 active members.
Grants support multiple research projects in advanced manufacturing
VPRI recognized for exemplary leadership in higher education by National Academy of top public management and organizational leaders
Pennington w88 live casino Building features state-of-the-art research laboratories, teaching laboratories and collaborative spaces
w88 casino, Reno engineering team is making final preparations for their nationally televised maker challenge in Maryland
Cayla Harvey and Austin Kost will attend Technische Universität over the summer as part of the w88 live casino exchange program
Four outstanding w88 live casino students named to Biggest Little Makers team will represent Reno’s burgeoning innovation and maker culture
Seniors in the College of w88 live casino present their projects to the public on May 4
Design is ten times more efficient than existing technology and paves way for wider use of the devices
We discuss the research of assistant professors in the electrical and biomedical w88 live casino and mechanical w88 live casino departments
As one of only 20 students to be invited to the MIT CONVERGE visitation program, Manuel Retana sets his sights on graduate school and NASA research.
Palmer w88 live casino opened up its doors to students and staff this fall semester after a year of renovations
Early-stage proof-of-concept funding applications now open for w88 casino Research and Innovation Corporation program
Research paves way for development of soft, robotic hand
Eric Wang and Jeffrey LaCombe are part of the National Space Grant teams working to live-stream directly from the path of totality
Technology leader Switch provides critical data-ecosystem infrastructure to power Pronghorn, the University's new cluster, and the regional economy
Five University student recipients have shown exemplary contributions to their community in civic engagement
Interactive and informative demonstrations get local kids excited about a future in w88 live casino
Mechanical w88 live casino department home to new Department of Energy funded program
Coalition of partners launches Intelligent Mobility to develop and test solutions for safe, clean and efficient transportation in Reno-Sparks-Carson ‘Living Lab’
Mechanical w88 live casino technician discusses his passion for safety in the workplace and stars in the skies
College of w88 live casino’s Hassan Masoud leads group in new modeling approach for droplet evaporation
Former w88 casino standout football player, Jordan Dobrich, is the first Wolf Pack student-athlete to receive honor
The University includes 50 National Merit Scholarship Finalists and 300 Presidential Scholars - and growing
Grant will enhance research to improve durability of structural steels
Worldwide reaction sparked by project conducted by former students and lab of University’s VPRI
w88 live casino student-athlete named to NFF National Scholar-Athlete Class; finalist for William V. Campbell Trophy
Under the guidance of Faramarz Gordaninejad, a new bearing system is being devised that will sense and react to suppress vibration of bridges.
A National Science Foundation grant will fund a three-year study into the deformation behavior of magnesium alloys under repeat loading.
w88 casino, Reno engineering students to present new products Friday, May 1
w88 casino, Reno faculty member Henry Fu receives Ralph E. Hoeper Endowed Professorship
w88 live casino students will head to the National Concrete Canoe Championship races this summer for the 10th time in a row
w88 live casino students leave for Mid-Pac regional competition April 2-4
w88 casino, Reno earns four graduate school, 23 graduate program rankings
Disney Imaginations finalists accept internships with company
Team presents innovative transportation/entertainment design at Imagineering headquarters
College of w88 live casino team designs innovative entertainment transportation experience
Innovation hub includes active research in robotics, drones and more, plus collaboration with industry, K-12, state agencies
Lt. Col (ret) Warren Rapp hired to build industry collaborations, economic development
Colleges contributes to economic development through workforce development, research, and industry collaboration
Flirtey and w88 casino, Reno sign R&D partnership
First-ever camp for high school students at University addresses aerospace, aviation, UAS
Reno middle schools visit University for w88 live casino workshops and demonstrations
Senior Capstone Innovation Day Friday, May 2
Award recognizes early career success, funds research
Team of 16 w88 live casino students form five teams for three races in regional Mid-Pacific Conference
w88 casino, Reno earns four graduate school, 24 graduate program rankings
New U.S. Army contract funds initial phase of development of innovative autonomous aerial system
Mechanical w88 live casino associate professor talks Nano Ski technology in “Science of Sports” series
Program to enhance economic growth, workforce development for w88 casino
Research will explore microorganism mobility in the body and the environment
w88 casino, Reno research to benefit biofuel production and other biological processes
Mechanical w88 live casino receives .2 million NSF grant for new science/w88 live casino initiative
Science in the K-12 Schools: Oh we have it WRONG!” lecture Nov. 8
Trade mission delegation to explore business opportunities and encourage investment in w88 casino
5,000 grant to fund a three-year project to research safer storage and transport of nuclear waste
Recognizes current and future research and academic success at w88 casino, Reno
National Science Foundation .2 million grant for three-year program
Miles Greiner was appointed Interim Director for the next academic year.
Students see ski concepts become reality through the wonders of nanotech
Students hope to regain top spot in competition
Recumbent trikes Waldo and Carmen Sandiego compete in w88 live casino event