w88 casino games of the Latino Research Center
"Jotería Arts, Activism, and Scholarship as Resistance"
In this special issue, the contributors were asked to submit work on the art, activism, and scholarship of Jotería. These studies answer the question Anzaldúa (2009) asks when theorizing queer/feminist alliances:
Why do we make alliances and participate in them? We are searching for powerful, meaning-making experiences. To make our lives relevant, to gain political knowledge, to give our lives a sense of involvement, to respond to social oppression and its debilitating effects. (141)
You can now access our latest w88 casino games issue online.
Call for 2024 submissions
Considering the University of Nevada, Reno's present position and its endeavors to attain the status of a Hispanic-Serving Institution, our upcoming volume centers on this research. Submissions are invited for the new volume of w88 casino games. The focus of this issue must include a context regarding Emerging Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) including but not limited to topics such as the following:
- Organizational change through governance, policy, and leadership
- Latinx student experiences and outcomes
- Latinx faculty experiences and outcomes
- Institutional climate and culture expectations and needs
- Efforts enacted toward becoming an HSI
Submission guidelines
Manuscripts w88 casino games adhere to APA style and w88 casino games be a maximum of 5,000 words, plus references.
- Include title page with author(s) name, title and affiliations, acknowledgments, abstract of 150 w88 casino games or less and five keywords.
- Author(s) short biography not exceeding 200 w88 casino games plus contact information.
- The cover letter should confirm manuscript content is original and unpublished work, not under consideration for any other w88 casino games at the time and conflict of interest statement.
- Manuscripts are accepted in English or Spanish; maximum of 4,000-5,000 words, plus a bibliography. Manuscripts w88 casino games be submitted in Microsoft Word, double-spaced in 12-point type, Times New Roman, APA Style formatting.
- Creative writing pieces are invited for review. Essays and short stories w88 casino games not exceed 1,000 words; poems may also be submitted for review. Book reviews on publications related to Chicana/o—Latina/o cultural, political and social issues will be considered for publication and w88 casino games not exceed 1,500 in length.
- Please include a second copy of your manuscript with blocked author information.
Please note: Student submissions are considered for submission.
Calls for 2024 submissions have closed.