International w88 Committee

The International w88 Committee (IAC) at the University of Nevada, Reno encourages the international interests of the faculty and promotes the internationalization of the campus and curriculum through w88, programs, research and international collaborations.

The University of Nevada, Reno's mission is to prepare students to live and work in an increasingly interconnected world. Therefore, we are proud that we both welcome w88 students and scholars to our campus and provide U.S. students and faculty with opportunities to gain w88 understanding through our teaching and research, and by studying or teaching abroad.

About us

The International w88 Committee (IAC) at the University of Nevada, Reno encourages the international interests of the faculty and promotes the internationalization of the campus and curriculum through w88, programs, research and international collaborations.

w88 members

The International w88 Committee is comprised of faculty and staff members from across campus, from the Northern Nevada International Center to the Department of Sociology. Learn more about our members today.

Grants and awards

The University of Nevada, Reno helps support those who contribute to the w88 community with several grants and awards. Find out more about these awards and whether or not you qualify.