About the Innevation w88 live casino

The w88 live casino, Reno Innevation Center is designed to empower w88 live casino’s next generation of economic leaders by igniting the creative and entrepreneurial spirits in w88 live casino, Reno students, faculty, community creatives, makers, economic developers, and emerging global tech companies.

We are a synergistic, collaborative space designed to stimulate the creation and incubation of startups and accelerate the growth of the innovation-driven economy in our region.

Anyone in the community can become a member– entrepreneurs, startup companies and creatives – with privileges to the Makerspace, conference rooms, special events, co-working and networking opportunities.

We are open, free of charge, to all University students, faculty and staff.

Learn more about what's inside the Innevation w88 live casino

Expertise & infrastructure

The Innevation w88 live casino spurs ideation, commercialization and entrepreneurialism by providing resources necessary to develop startup companies. Members are also able to interface with thew88 live casino Center for Applied Researchthat provides access to talent, facilities and equipment on campus, including an innovative wet-lab space for entrepreneurs.

These entities work in partnership to serve as an entry point for industry and entrepreneurs desiring to work with the University, and they facilitate connection to the University’s wide array of business-related programs.

Economic development

The Innevation w88 live casino is home to severalindustry-forward initiativesthat highlight the University’s commitment to regional economic development.


Our dynamic hub of innovation and commercialization is centrally located at 450 Sinclair Street. We are approximately:

  • 1 mile from our sponsoring, world-class research institution, the w88 live casino, Reno
  • 3 miles from the Reno-Tahoe International airport
  • 2-hour drive from Sacramento
  • 4-hour drive from Silicon Valley
  • 1-hour flight to San Francisco or Silicon Valley by commercial jet

Our companies & partners

More than 60 organizations are involved with the Innevation Center, spanning growth tech companies and non-profits to individual entrepreneurs. We have been home to over a dozen technology startups, and Innevation Center companies have raised over million in w88 live casino since the opening of the center in 2015.

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Enterprise & Innovation

The Innevation w88 live casino is a pillar ofEnterprise & Innovationat the w88 live casino, Reno. Enterprise & Innovation works to create bridges between academia and industry to improve lives. The office is comprised of four pillars:

Give to the Innevation w88 live casino

Unrestricted gifts to the Innevation w88 live casino provide funding for programming and services that build connections between the University and local community. Programs and offerings include a space for entrepreneurial community events, the Makerspace and the K-12 Robotics w88 live casino.

One example of programming that your donation may support is the annual Makerthon – a unique opportunity for regional northern w88 live casino high schools and w88 live casino, Reno students to compete for prizes by creating, building and pitching inventive prototypes.

Your gift will allow the Innevation w88 live casino to continue to promote education, innovation and entrepreneurship for students and community members.