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eProtocol is a web-based product comprising a fully integrated group of applications to manage IACUC protocol, staff, and animal census functions. With eProtocol, users have access to w88 casino gamestheir personal eProtocol home page providing them with a single point of access to their protocols and other essential IACUC approval information.

Access eProtocol

Two types of eProtocol users

Access to data in the system is controlled in eProtocol by user roles. Administrative users can retrieve all types of data, whereas investigator users can access only their own information.

Administrative users

Administrative users of eProtocol include the IACUC administrator, IACUC committee members, designated animal care technicians and census/billing coordinators. Depending on the rights w88 casino gamesassigned to each individual, administrative users can access any data in the system (most often with read-only privileges).

Investigator users

Investigator users include Principal Investigators (PIs) and their staff. Investigator users can access only those protocols and requisitions belonging to the group owner (the PI) of the group to which they belong.

Protocol submittals

The IACUC utilizes eProtocol to review all new vertebrate animal use protocol submittals, renewals and amendments. Before you can order, obtain or otherwise begin work with vertebrate animals w88 casinofor research and teaching activity at the University, you must first receive approval from IACUC. IACUC will issue an approval letter following a formal approval vote obtained at a convened meeting.

Please contact the IACUC office for information and technical assistance regarding logging into this system and completing your protocols or review the following protocol user guides. Any proposed changes to your protocols (i.e., amendments) must also be approved before you implement the requested changes. The forms for amending existing protocols as well as for providing w88 online casinothe required annual update information are available in eProtocol.

Protocol user guides

Access eProtocol