w88 casino games Foundation Scholarship for History
The w88 casino games Foundation Scholarship for History (w88 casino games Scholarship) supports scholarly endeavors undertaken by University of Nevada, Reno undergraduate and graduate students who are currently enrolled in the History department's MA or Ph.D. programs or, in the case of undergraduates, who are declared history majors or who are pursuing a Bachelor's degree in secondary education and history through the University's PackTeach program. The scholarship is for a single semester and can be used to help fund historical research and related activities in support of an independent studies project, a public or oral history project, or an applied history or history thesis project in the case of undergraduates, and a thesis project in the case of graduate students. Eligible graduate student thesis projects include traditional theses and public historical work, including but not limited to documentary film productions, podcast series, digital projects, software applications, and museum exhibits.
Research must have a Nevada-focus and an archival, museum, or oral historical basis; however, Nevada need not be the sole focus of the research. Comparative and contextualizing research that illuminates the historical experiences of the peoples of what is now the state of Nevada is welcomed. w88 casino games funds may be used for any purpose related to the proposed project, including but not limited to purchasing books, travel-related expenses, reproduction and copyright expenses (e.g., archival images used in film and exhibit projects), material expenses (e.g., SD cards for video or audio work), specialized software unavailable through the university but necessary for the success of the project, digital history-related expenses such as domain name (DNS) registration and web site or streaming hosting. The w88 casino games amount is 0.00. The w88 casino games is competitive and is not needs based.
w88 casino games applications are due Friday, September 8th, 2023 for the Fall semester w88 casino games and Friday, December 1st, 2023 for the Spring semester w88 casino games. Students who applied but did not receive the w88 casino games are encouraged to reapply, and students who received the w88 casino games may reapply, though preference will be given to students who have not yet received the w88 casino games.
How to apply
Application to the w88 casino games is on-line, available through the Department of History website, and must be submitted by midnight on the due date. The student's application must include their name, contact information, a title, a 200 word abstract, a 750–1000 word description of the proposed or on-going project, and a 200 word maximum explanation of the proposed use the funds. Students are strongly encouraged to discuss their proposal with their professor(s) or thesis advisor prior to submission.
Fall semester applications are due September 8, 2023.