Jump to an article:
- ARTICLE I. Budget
- ARTICLE II. Elections
- ARTICLE III. Attendance and proxy (C. A. IV. Sect. 6)
- ARTICLE IV. Grievances and removal procedures (C. A. III. Sect. 6)
- ARTICLE V. Executive Council and advisor (C.A. V. Sect. 3.2)
- ARTICLE VI. Committees and boards
- ARTICLE VII. clubs and organizations
- ARTICLE VIII. Summer Taskforce
- Revisions
- A budget shall be suggested by the Judicial, Budget and Finance (JB&F) committee following when final enrollment numbers are published publicly. The suggested budget shall be communicated to the w88 sports betting Executive Council and finalized in cooperation with the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor. The budget is then put forward for approval by the w88 sports betting Council at the first meeting of the new academic year. Modifications to the proposed budget can be resolved by motion during the Council meeting;if the budget is not approved by the Council the budget will be sent back to the JB&F committee in order to create a new budget proposal. If the proposed budget by the JB&F Committee is rejected by the w88 sports betting Council twice, a new budget proposal will be created by the w88 sports betting Executive Team with the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor in attendance using the previous year’s Fall approved budget to serve as interim budget. The new proposed budget will then be put forward for approval by the w88 sports betting Council at the next meeting. This process will be repeated until a budget is approved by the w88 sports betting Council.
- The budget report from the previous year and a proposal for the projected year shall be presented by the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor at the first meeting of the new academic year.
- Financial reports shall be presented to the w88 sports betting Council by the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor as requested by the Executive Council or w88 sports betting Council.
- Retroactive funding is prohibited. However, the w88 sports betting Council may approve reimbursements of up to .00 for expenditures by w88 sports betting elected Representatives, Officers and employees that are directly related to w88 sports betting activities. Requests for such reimbursements must be made within 30 days of the purchase. This article may be suspended after investigation by the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor if it is proven that the requesting party followed proper funding request procedures.
- Individual students may not be funded for academic pursuits outside of regular w88 sports betting programs.
ARTICLE II. Elections
A. w88 sports betting Council Seat Apportionment (C.A. III):
- 'Apportionment' is defined as the number of voting w88 sports betting Council Representative seats allotted to a college based on proportionate enrollment. Apportionment is determined as follows:
- Obtain the total number of full-time equivalent (FTE) w88 sports betting students from the w88 sports betting School, including w88 sports betting specials, sorted by college. FTE for the purposes of GSA seat apportionment comprises all members of the GSA. This shall be done in the spring semester soon after the final drop date, allowing ample time for the GSA Council to vote on reapportionment prior to elections.
- Divide the number of w88 sports betting students in a college by the total number of w88 sports betting students (both numbers are based on FTE) and multiply by 100.
Where A = College's apportioned number of seats on the w88 sports betting Council,
A = [ (w88 sports betting students in college) / (total w88 sports betting students)]*100
The resulting percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number and the (25) seats are allotted accordingly.
B. Executive Position Term Limits
- An individual shall only serve for a maximum of three (3) elected terms in any combination of President or Vice Presidential positions.
C. President Elections (C. A. V Sect. 3):
- The w88 sports betting President shall be elected to serve one calendar year beginning June 1st.
- Any w88 sports betting student desiring to run for GSA President must meet the following requirements:
- The student must be enrolled in a w88 sports betting program and must be in good academic standing.
- The student must submit, in writing, to the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor his or her intent to run in the Presidential election, on or before the deadline.
- The student must attend at least 3 w88 sports betting council meetings prior to the Presidential election.
- The student must declare at each of these meetings his/her attendance for the purpose of establishing eligibility for Presidential candidacy at each of the three meetings during public comment.
- This declaration should be addressed to the w88 sports betting Advisor in writing.
- The student must attend each meeting in its entirety.
- Current w88 sports betting Council members may use their official attendance at w88 sports betting Council meetings to meet this requirement.
- In the event an applicant was unable to attend one (1) meeting of the previous or current council’s regular council meetings due to a class conflict or other serious intervening reason, the applicant shall provide the reason in writing to the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor, w88 sports betting Internal Vice President, and to the chair of the elections committee for review and approval purposes. Accepted exemption to this requirement does not exempt the candidate from any other eligibility requirement
- The w88 sports betting President shall be elected by a majority vote by the University of Nevada, Reno w88 sports betting Members between the 4th and 6th meeting of the Spring Semester as decided by the w88 sports betting Advisor.
- In the event of a tie, the procedure shall be as follows:
- President-elect must win by the majority of votes; thus
- If there are more than two candidates, a run-off vote between the two with the highest number of total votes shall be held.
- If there are only two candidates for the position, the outgoing w88 sports betting President shall cast the tie-breaking vote. If one of the candidates should be the outgoing w88 sports betting President, voting shall continue until the tie is broken.
- President-elect must win by the majority of votes; thus
- In the event of a tie, the procedure shall be as follows:
- In the event that a President does not complete his or her term of office the w88 sports betting Council must elect a new President from among its members to serve out the remainder of the term of office.
- The w88 sports betting Council must vote to declare the position open and to set a date for the election not less than two weeks and not more than one month following the vacancy of the office.
- Individuals must announce their candidacy at or before the w88 sports betting Council meeting scheduled two weeks prior to the election of the new President. The w88 sports betting IVP shall act as President and presiding officer for any interim period
C. Vice President Elections (C. A. V Sect. 3):
- The w88 sports betting Vice Presidents shall be elected to serve a 10-month term, beginning August 1 and ending May 31.
- Any w88 sports betting student desiring to run for a GSA Vice Presidency must meet the following requirements:
- The student must be elected through their respective college as the following academic year's w88 sports betting Council Representative.
- The student must declare candidacy prior to the penultimate w88 sports betting Council meeting of the current academic year, at which the student will articulate his/her platform and answer any questions regarding his/her candidacy.
- The student must attend at least 3 w88 sports betting Council meetings prior to the Vice-Presidential elections.
- The student must declare at each of these meetings his/her attendance for the purpose of establishing eligibility for Vice Presidential candidacy, during public comment.
- This declaration should be addressed to the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor, in writing, on or before the deadline.
- The student must attend each meeting in its entirety.
- Current w88 sports betting Council members may use their official attendance at w88 sports betting Council meetings to meet this requirement.
- In the event an applicant was unable to attend one (1) meeting of the previous or current council’s regular council meetings due to a class conflict or other serious intervening reason, the applicant shall provide the reason in writing to the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor, w88 sports betting Internal Vice President, and to the chair of the elections committee for review and approval purposes. Accepted exemption to this requirement does not exempt the candidate from any other eligibility requirement.
- Vice Presidents shall be elected at the transition meeting from among the new w88 sports betting Council Representatives. The transition meeting is the first meeting of the new w88 sports betting Council following spring elections and is the last Council meeting of the academic year.
- In the event of a tie, the procedure shall be as follows:
- The Vice-President-elect must win by a majority vote; thus:
- If there are more than two candidates, a run-off vote between the two with the highest number of total votes shall be held.
- If there are only two candidates for the position, the current w88 sports betting President shall cast the tie-breaking vote.
- In the event that a Vice President does not complete his or her term, the w88 sports betting Council must elect a new Vice President from among its council members to serve out the remainder of the term of office.
- The w88 sports betting Council must vote to declare the position open and to set a date for the election not less than two weeks and not more than one month following the vacancy of the office.
- Individuals must announce their candidacy at or before the w88 sports betting Council meeting scheduled two weeks prior to the election of the new Vice President.
- The w88 sports betting executive council collectively shall act as [internal/external] President for any interim period.
D. w88 sports betting Council Representative Elections (C. A. III. Sect. 2):
- Any w88 sports betting student or w88 sports betting special in good academic standing may run for a Representative seat in their respective school or college. If the student is enrolled in multiple programs through multiple colleges, then they may run for either college seat.
- Each Representative shall be elected by a general vote of his or her constituents as dictated by seat assignment. For example, if a college has four seats, the top four candidates will become the elected Representatives for said college.
- Candidates for Representative must apply to run prior to being declared a candidate for the position by a date to be set by the Elections Committee. Prior to the general election, the Elections Committee must verify all applications.
- To run for elected council positions, eligibility requirements include attendance at one (1) meeting of the previous or current council session’s regular council meetings in advance of the General Election. This requirement must be included in the solicitation for w88 sports betting council applications. Returning council members may fulfill this requirement by their regularly scheduled attendance at w88 sports betting council meetings during the application period.
- In the event an applicant was unable to attend one (1) meeting of the previous or current council’s regular council meetings due to a class conflict or other serious intervening reason, the applicant shall provide the reason in writing to the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor, w88 sports betting Internal Vice President, and to the chair of the elections committee for review and approval purposes. Accepted exemption to this requirement does not exempt the candidate from any other eligibility requirement.
- A Representative's term of office begins on August 1 and ends on May 31 with the exception of the Judicial, Budget, and Finance Committee.
- In the event of a vacant seat, the w88 sports betting Council may appoint a new Representative by a majority vote of a quorum to serve out the remainder of the term. The candidate must have met the qualifications to have originally run for said seat.
- No elections for open w88 sports betting Council seats are to occur during the last two w88 sports betting Council meetings of the academic year.
- Upon being elected to the w88 sports betting Council for the following academic year, new Representatives shall attend the penultimate meeting of the current w88 sports betting Council.
- This requirement may be waived due to academic conflicts.
E. Voting Procedure for w88 sports betting Council Elections:
- The Elections Committee shall present rules and a timeline for the general election to be approved by the general council no later than 45 days prior to the general election.
- lections may only be changed by a majority approval vote of the General Council indicating that the required timing of the election cannot be accommodated.
- Any w88 sports betting student or w88 sports betting special at UNR is eligible to vote.
- The Elections Committee shall create and disseminate an elections notification containing:
- call to vote" will be sent to all currently enrolled w88 sports betting students through campus email.
- Descriptions of the duties of President, Vice Presidents, and Officers.
- The dates of deadlines related to the elections.
- Students may vote for any nominated candidate. Write-in candidates are not accepted.
- Students are allowed to vote for as many candidates from their college as there are Representative seats. For example, if the college has six seats, constituents may vote for up to six candidates.
- w88 sports betting voting is conducted through WebCampus and requires a NetID and password for access.
- Voting will be open for a period of no less than one week. Results will be announced via the w88 sports betting website.
F.Candidate Endorsements:
- he w88 sports betting Council will not officially support or endorse any candidate in the election; however individual members may officially support any candidate as an individual w88 sports betting member.
G. Campaign Expense Reporting for Presidential Candidates.
- Campaign finance report must be submitted within 10 days after the election to the w88 sports betting Elections Committee which contains all campaign-related purchases and expenses. This includes donations provided to the candidate, expenses for advertising, and any money provided to the candidate’s election.
- Each candidate will not exceed over 0 in campaign-related expenses.
- Campaign-related expenses are defined as any expense in which the candidate used their personal, donated, or compensated funds to help in their election.
ARTICLE III. Attendance and proxy (C. A. IV. Sect. 6)
- Representatives are expected to attend all w88 sports betting Council meetings. w88 sports betting Council Representatives may receive a scholarship for their service to the w88 sports betting Council.
- In the event that a Representative must miss a meeting, they must designate a proxy sending an email to the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor, a minimum of two hours before the meeting copying the chairperson of the meeting.
- A Representative may designate a proxy for a maximum of two meetings per semester. A third proxy request will be treated as an unexcused absence (See Item I).
- A proxy may be either a constituent of the Representative or another w88 sports betting Council member from the same college. In the event that only one Council member from a specific college is seated on the w88 sports betting Council, they may designate a proxy from a different college.
- A proxy shall count towards a quorum and will have all voting rights and privileges.
- A w88 sports betting Council Representative may proxy for no more than one person per meeting.
- A proxy is a privilege. Any specific instructions regarding voting on behalf of the Representative must be made in writing to both the proxy and the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor; otherwise, the proxy assumes responsibility for voting.
- w88 sports betting Council Representatives are also expected to attend all w88 sports betting committee meetings for committees to which they belong. In the event that a Representative must miss a committee meeting, he/she must inform the committee Chair a minimum of two hours before the meeting. After two unexcused absences, removal proceedings may begin for the Representative as outlined in Article IV.
- If a Representative should miss a general meeting without designating a proxy the absence shall be counted as unexcused. A Representative is permitted no more than one unexcused absence per academic year. After one unexcused absence, the w88 sports betting Council Member shall receive a warning from the IVP; in the event of a second unexcused absence, removal procedures may begin.
- All extenuating circumstances must be discussed with the IVP and the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor.
ARTICLE IV. Grievances and removal procedures (C. A. III. Sect. 6)
- Any Representative or Executive Council Officer may be removed from office. Removal of the Council member is conducted by the Judicial Committee with the Internal Vice President as chair. w88 sports betting Council members may be removed for refusal to perform duties of a Council member, excessive absence (as described in Item 6, Article E), or violation of w88 sports betting Constitutions or Bylaws, placement on academic probation by the University, or following the violation of the Student Code of Conduct..
- If the Internal Vice President is charged, the External Vice President shall chair the Judicial Committee.
- It is the responsibility of the Judicial Committee to review the appropriateness and validity of the charges and to determine which specific charges shall be brought to the full w88 sports betting Council for a removal vote. In order for a charge to be brought to the full w88 sports betting Council, the Judicial Committee must pass a majority vote.
- The individual in question shall be informed of the charges and any other supporting evidence related to the charges in writing at least fourteen (14) days prior to a vote of removal. At least one week prior to the meeting at which the vote will be held, all members of the w88 sports betting Council must receive written notice that a vote of removal has been scheduled.
- The chair shall be responsible for all notifications and shall be the presiding officer at the vote of removal.
- At the meeting in which the vote is to take place, the individual in question shall have the right to address the w88 sports betting Council.
- A two-thirds vote of the w88 sports betting Council shall be necessary for removal. Any Representative or Executive Officer removed from his or her seat shall surrender all positions held within w88 sports betting for the remainder of their term.
- If a two-thirds vote of the w88 sports betting council to remove the official fails, then a simple majority vote to censure the official may proceed by motion. A censure may be brought forward as a primary course of action rather than secondary to removal procedures.
- A censure is defined as w88 sports betting Council acknowledging on the record that the actions of the individual are inconsistent with the values and Bylaws of the w88 sports betting and may be used internally for subsequent failures of duty.
ARTICLE V. Executive Council and advisor (C.A. V. Sect. 3.2)
- The Executive Council shall operate as set forth in the w88 sports betting Constitution. The Executive Council shall also ensure that all Officers are performing their duties as set forth in the Bylaws.
- President:
- Benefits:
- The President shall receive a full w88 sports betting Assistantship including a stipend and fee waiver for time served.
- Job Description:
- The position of President shall be a 20-hour per week position.
- The President shall chair all w88 sports betting Council meetings. The President cannot simultaneously be a w88 sports betting Council Representative.
- The President shall be familiar with w88 sports betting policies, the Constitution, Nevada Open Meeting Law and Robert's Rules of Order.
- The President shall set and conduct a minimum of one Executive Council meeting per month during the academic year.
- The President shall attend meetings as required during the calendar year, including summer.
- The President shall attend regular meetings of the UNR Foundation, Board of Regents, Nevada Student Alliance, Faculty Senate, and the w88 sports betting Council. The President shall also attend University meetings as needed.
- The President shall sit on the w88 sports betting Student Alumni Chapter as a board member.
- The President shall maintain an e-mail address for communication with Representatives and constituents.
- The President shall maintain 5 posted office hours per week.
- The President shall maintain a job description notebook.
- The President shall perform all duties as stated in the Bylaws and Constitution.
- If the President fails to perform his or her duties as described above, they will be reviewed by the JB&F Committee and the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor in attendance.
- The President is also required to abide by the university guidelines for employment. If the President commits any employment related violation, the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor may dismiss the President from his or her duties without going through the JB&F Committee process. In this case, it will trigger Article II, Section B, Item 5.
- Benefits:
- Internal Vice President (IVP)
- Benefits:
- The Internal Vice President (IVP) shall receive a half-time w88 sports betting Assistant stipend and half-time fee waiver for time served.
- Job Description:
- The position of IVP shall be a 10 hour per week position.
- The IVP shall remain a Representative and therefore is responsible for two w88 sports betting committees and one University committee.
- At the beginning of each semester the IVP will update the University committee lists and ensure that all Representatives are meeting their w88 sports betting and University committee obligations. The IVP shall also ensure that there is a w88 sports betting Representative at all appropriate University meetings.
- The IVP shall be responsible for communication between the w88 sports betting and its recognized clubs and organizations. This includes updating clubs and organization with changes in the w88 sports betting Bylaws, Constitution, and policies as and when required, as well as maintaining updates from the w88 sports betting Clubs and Organizations Committee (hereafter C&OC).
- The IVP shall work on special projects as determined by the President and w88 sports betting Council.
- The IVP shall preside over the w88 sports betting Council meetings whenever the President is absent.
- The IVP shall attend University meetings if and when the President cannot.
- The IVP shall be familiar with w88 sports betting policies, the Constitution, Nevada Open Meeting Law and Robert's Rules of Order.
- The IVP shall maintain an e-mail address for communication with w88 sports betting Representatives and constituents.
- The IVP shall maintain 5 posted office hours per week.
- The IVP shall maintain a job description notebook.
- The IVP shall perform all duties as stated in the Constitution and Bylaws.
- The IVP shall abide by the Constitution and Bylaws ensure that all articles of said documents are carried out.
- If the Internal Vice President fails to perform his or her duties as described above, they will be reviewed by the JB&F Committee with the External Vice President, as chair, and the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor, in attendance.
- The Internal Vice President is also required to abide by the university guidelines for employment. If the Vice President commits any employment related violation, the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor may dismiss the Vice President from his or her duties without going through the JB&F Committee process. In this case, it will trigger Article II, Section C, Item 5.
- The IVP may ask the committee chair for their notebook at the end of the academic year to be passed on to the next year's IVP
- The IVP shall be responsible for any changes to Article VII of the w88 sports betting bylaws to be transmitted to the application for club funding.
- Benefits:
- External Vice President:
- Benefits:
- The External Vice President (EVP) shall receive a half-time w88 sports betting Assistant stipend and half-time fee waiver for time served.
- Job Description:
- The position of EVP shall be a 10 hour per week position.
- The EVP shall remain a Representative and is responsible to sit on the Executive Council and one other w88 sports betting committees as well as one university committee. The EVP may also be asked to sit on other university committees or task forces as the need arises.
- The EVP will be responsible for coordinating w88 sports betting and Professional Student Appreciation Week, also named Awards Week.
- The EVP will be responsible for keeping updates on any and all current legislative issues affecting w88 sports betting students both within the state of Nevada and nationally.
- The EVP shall work on special projects as determined by the President and w88 sports betting Council.
- The EVP shall preside over the w88 sports betting Council meetings and attend University meetings whenever the President and IVP are unable to do so.
- The EVP shall be familiar with w88 sports betting policies, the Constitution, Nevada Open Meeting Law and Robert's Rules of Order.
- The EVP shall maintain an e-mail address for communication with w88 sports betting Representatives, constituents, and NAGPS.
- The EVP shall maintain 5 posted office hours per week.
- If the External Vice President fails to perform his or her duties as described above, they will be reviewed by the JB&F Committee with the Internal Vice President, as chair, and the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor, in attendance.
- The External Vice President is also required to abide by the university guidelines for employment. If it Vice President commits any employment related violation, the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor may dismiss the Vice President from his or her duties without going through the JB&F Committee process. In this case, it will trigger the Article II, Section C, Item 5.
- Benefits:
- w88 sports betting Senior Advisor:
- Job Description:
- In addition to the job duties outlined by the w88 sports betting School for the GSA Senior Advisor; they will be responsible for the following:
- The w88 sports betting Senior Advisor is the Chief Fiscal Officer of w88 sports betting, responsible for overseeing all w88 sports betting budgets and contracts and for administration of programs.
- The w88 sports betting Senior Advisor shall be advisor to the w88 sports betting Council, boards and committees, and shall advise w88 sports betting recognized groups as required.
- The w88 sports betting Senior Advisor shall attend all w88 sports betting Council meetings but shall have no vote.
- The GSA Senior Advisor shall serve as liaison to the w88 sports betting School and to the Student Services division, and keep informed of federal, state and local laws and statutes in conjunction with the GSA Constitution.
- The w88 sports betting Senior Advisor shall provide general support for w88 sports betting for on and off- campus events.
- The w88 sports betting Senior Advisor shall conduct periodic meetings with the Executive Officers to review their performance of job duties as listed in the w88 sports betting Constitution and Bylaws.
- In addition to the job duties outlined by the w88 sports betting School for the GSA Senior Advisor; they will be responsible for the following:
- Job Description:
- President:
ARTICLE VI. Committees and boards
- The w88 sports betting Senior Advisor and w88 sports betting Internal Vice President (hereafter, “IVP”) will convene a committee that will conduct elections, hereafter, the “Elections Committee”, and evaluate each college’s seat apportionment as deemed necessary by the w88 sports betting Council.
- The principal goal of this committee is to conduct elections, fill vacant w88 sports betting Council seats, and report the results of elections and filling seats to the w88 sports betting membership.
- The Elections Committee may propose to combine several schools into single or multiple representative seats based on the schools’ population or overlap in the curriculum to adhere to the 25 allotted w88 sports betting council representative seats. This combination of schools into a single or multiple representative seat(s) is then put forward for majority approval by the w88 sports betting Council.
- The Elections Committee shall present rules and a timeline for the general election to be approved by thegeneral w88 sports betting Council no later than 45 days prior to the general election.
- The Council will elect five current representatives including one alternate to serve on the JB&F Committee during the 1st meeting of the new w88 sports betting Council for the next academic year.
- All w88 sports betting Committees and Committee Representatives shall adhere to the Bylaws.
- Representatives are required to sit on one University Committee and one recognized w88 sports betting committee. The representative will also be asked to volunteer for other events, activities, or task forces as the need arises.
- Committees shall maintain a committee notebook. This notebook shall contain copies of all agendas, minutes and any other pertinent documentation relating to the business of the committee. This notebook shall be submitted to the IVP at the end of each academic year to be passed on to the next academic year's IVP.
- Unless otherwise noted in the committee Bylaws, the chair of each committee is selected at the first meeting of the academic year. If that chair position should become vacant, a new chair shall be elected from the current membership of the committee. The committee shall formulate its goals for the year at its first meeting.
- w88 sports betting students who are not elected members of the GSA Council may apply to serve on any GSA committee upon approval of the IVP. The total membership of non-Council members on any committee may not exceed 30% of the total membership of the committee. Non-GSA members of any committee may be removed by the Chair of the Committee, IVP, or the GSA Senior Advisor if the Non-GSA member violates the GSA Constitutions or Bylaws, is placed on academic probation by the University, or following the violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
- Committee Chairs are responsible for maintaining respective w88 sports betting websites and email accounts.
- w88 sports betting committees are required to meet once a month. Committee Chairs are responsible for posting the meeting agenda on the group website at least three days before the meeting date, and meeting minutes within five days of the meeting date.
- Ad Hoc committees may be formed as needed by the w88 sports betting Council by a majority vote. The w88 sports betting Council must specify a time at which the committee will no longer exist. This expiration may be extended by a majority vote of the w88 sports betting Council. New committees may be formed by a two-thirds vote of the w88 sports betting Council.
ARTICLE VII. Clubs & Organizations Committee (C&OC)
- GSA C&OCshall set the policy to recognize w88 sports betting Student clubs and organizations in thew88 sports betting C&OC Handbook.
- To get official recognition, new w88 sports betting clubs and organizations must follow the protocols set by w88 sports betting C&OC as written in the Handbook.
- w88 sports betting clubs and organizations must attend a w88 sports betting C&OC meeting once an academic year as designated by the w88 sports betting C&OC to receive recognition; this meeting must be attended by at least one executive member. It is mandatory for all w88 sports betting-recognized clubs and organizations to submit an updated roster to PACKlife.
- w88 sports betting Clubs andOrganizations receiving funds from the w88 sports betting should recognize the w88 sports betting at their events if appropriate.
- Each club will be allowed to apply for a maximum of 0 per year. This funding will be dependent on the overall budget, membership,expanse and reach of the clubs and organizations, and the number of active clubs, the clubs and organizations will be awarded accordingly. An executive member from the recognized w88 sports betting clubs and organizations must attend a w88 sports betting C&OC meeting to get approval for any funds requested.
- Items that are not funded by w88 sports betting include but are not limited to, honorariums, gifts, alcohol, and prizes.
- w88 sports betting does not condone or support underage drinking, and neither does it fund alcohol purchases for w88 sports betting clubs and organizations. If a club plans to provide alcohol at an event, via self-purchase or other funding, it is that club's responsibility to check IDs and verify that alcohol is not being served to minors.
ARTICLE VIII. Summer Taskforce
- The w88 sports betting Summer Task Force shall convene for a summer term beginning 2 weeks after the last day of the Spring semester and ending 2 weeks prior to the start of Fall semester. The Summer Task Force is required to meet biweekly during the summer term.
- The w88 sports betting President, w88 sports betting Senior Advisor, and the Summer Task Force Representatives shall approve the priorities of the Summer Task Force for the summer term at the first meeting of the summer term.
- w88 sports betting Council Representatives, elected in the most recent general election, shall qualify for selection for the Summer Task Force. A minimum of 5 w88 sports betting Representatives shall be selected to meet quorum.
- w88 sports betting students who are not elected members of the incoming GSA Council shall qualify for selection for the Summer Task Force upon approval of the GSA Senior Advisor. The total membership of non-Council members may not exceed 30% of the total membership of the committee. Non-GSA members may be removed by the Chair of the Summer Task Force or the GSA Senior Advisor if the non-GSA member violates the GSA Constitutions or Bylaws, is placed on academic probation by the University, or following the violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
- The Summer Task Force shall be selected by the incoming w88 sports betting President and w88 sports betting Senior Advisor before the last day of the Spring semester
- The Chair of the w88 sports betting Summer Task Force is elected from the current w88 sports betting Representative membership of the Summer Task Force at the first meeting of the summer term. If that Chair position should become vacant, a new Chair shall be elected from the current w88 sports betting Representative membership of the Summer Task Force.
- The Summer Task Force Chair is responsible for posting the meeting agenda on the group website at least three days before the meeting date, and meeting minutes within five days of the meeting date.
- The Summer Task Force members are expected to attend all summer term meetings. The Summer Task Force members may receive a scholarship for their service to w88 sports betting.
- In the event that a Summer Task Force member must miss a meeting, they must designate a proxy by submitting a proxy form to the w88 sports betting Senior Advisor, a minimum of two hours before the meeting.
- A Summer Task Force member may designate a proxy for a maximum of one (1) meeting per summer term. A second proxy request will be treated as an unexcused absence.
- A proxy shall count towards a quorum and will have all voting rights and privileges.
(April 3, 1999)
(Revised April 18, 1998)
(Revised August 17, 1999)
(Revised October 16, 2001)
(Revised May 7, 2003)
(Revised April 7, 2004)
(Revised May 09, 2007)
(Revised Dec 03, 2007)
(Revised April 2008)
(Revised April 2009)
(Revised February 2010)