I am a cultural geographer and a Master's student at the University of Nevada, Reno. I am a former McNair Scholar at the University of Missouri, where I studied place attachment, community attachment, and New Urbanism. Today, I work as w88.
w88 interests
I am a research assistant for a project which looks at health and housing for Hispanic/Latino communities in Washoe county, NV. This study examines the impact of housing instability and its spatial features on the mental well-being and family functioning of Northern Nevada’s Latino and Hispanic families. My job is focused on geovisualizing housing variable which affect the Hispanic/Latino community. My thesis focuses on neighborhood change for Hispanic/Latino communities. I examine placemaking for Hispanic/w88 in the Wells Avenue neighborhood of Reno, NV. My research studies the experiences of Hispanic/w88 who have grown up and interacted with this space consistently. The socio spatial experiences of young adults engage with economic, cultural, and communal developments throughout time.
- B.A. w88, University of Missouri, 2021