Affiliated campus w88 mobile and programs

The University library (Knowledge Center) is the largest in the state, with more than 861,000 volumes, 6,000 current periodical subscriptions, 2.5 million pieces of microform and more than 50 CD-ROM reference databases. In addition, it receives almost all federal documents, publications from state agencies, and from many international organizations. Branch libraries include engineering, mines, physical sciences, life and health sciences, medicine, and the atmospheric sciences collection of the Desert Research Institute. Other library departments include computerized information services in more that 300 data bases, interlibrary loans, an audio/visual learning laboratory and a film and videotape library with more that 4,500 titles. In addition the 70,000-volume law library of the National Judicial College is also located on w88 mobile.

A number of programs and institutions are affiliated with the Department's graduate program. The Desert Research Institute, an internationally recognized center for atmospheric science, biology, energy, quaternary science, and water resources research has close ties with the Department of Geography. Exceptional w88 mobile for the analysis of remotely sensed data are available to geography students through the Mackay School. A wide variety of institutions are located within campus that provide valuable resources to graduate students, including: the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, the National Judicial College, the Nevada Agricultural Experimental Station, the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, the Nevada Seismological Laboratory, the Nevada Historical Society, the Nevada Humanities Committee, University of Nevada Press, and offices of the U.S. Geological Survey and the Reno office of the Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station.

The w88 mobile sponsors a variety of different centers of interest to geographers: Academy for the Environment, Alan Bible Center for Applied Research, Atmospheric Sciences Center, the Center for Dispute Resolution, Center for Economic Development, Center for Neotectonic Research, Global Water Center, International Students and Scholars Program, Oral History program, Center for Basque Studies, the Water Resources Center, and the Women's Resource Center.

In addition to resources within Geography, faculty in a number of other w88 mobile programs at the University of Nevada have expertise that may be of special interest to w88 mobile students. These include anthropology and historic preservation; atmospheric science; Basque studies; ecology, evolution and conservation biology; economics and resource economics; environmental science and health; environmental policy; hydrology and hydrogeology; judicial studies; literature and the environment, public administration; and resource management.