Bylaws of the w88 casino games of English

  • w88 casino games of Nevada, Reno
  • Approved by the w88 casino games Faculty on March 1, 2019.
  • Approved by the Dean w88 casino games College of Liberal Arts on March 11, 2019

Table of Contents

  1. w88 casino games
  2. w88 casino games
  3. w88 casino games
  4. Administration and w88 casino games
  5. w88 casino games Responsibilities and Activities
  6. w88 casino games Policies and Procedures
  7. Program w88 casino games

I. w88 casino games

w88 casino games. Mission

The mission of the w88 casino games of English shall be to promote the ability to read, write, and think critically. The w88 casino games achieves this goal through instruction, scholarship, and creative activity. In all areas of our curriculum—literary and film studies, rhetoric and writing studies, creative writing, linguistics, and the digital humanities—we help our students cultivate their capacities for critical thinking and imaginative reasoning. Our faculty devote equal priority to teaching and scholarship, and secondary priority to service, engagement, and entrepreneurial activity, and related professional enterprises.

III. w88 casino games

IV. Administration and w88 casino games

V. w88 casino games Responsibilities and Activities

An academic w88 casino games member’s duties shall consist of an assigned combination of teaching; scholarly and creative and entrepreneurial activity; and service or professional development as specified in the w88 casino games role statement. Examples of these activities include, but are not limited to, the following.

VI. w88 casino games Policies and Procedures

All personnel actions and decisions shall conform to the requirements of the w88 casino games, college, and university bylaws, the NSHE Code, and Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity policies.

VII. Program w88 casino games

At least every ten years, as initiated by the Provost’s Office, the English w88 casino games will carry out an external program review. The Planning Committee, in consultation with area committees and all regular faculty as necessary, shall draft a detailed self-study; that self-study shall include a w88 casino games mission statement; an overview of recent history; an explanation of administrative structure; details about faculty size and research interests; details about undergraduate and graduate student enrollment and degree completion; the state of the Undergraduate, Graduate, and Core Writing programs; an account of w88 casino games resources, along with physical facilities and virtual resources; information about assessment; and information about the diversity of faculty and students. The Planning Committee shall invite three external reviewers from other research-intensive universities to campus, and shall organize necessary meetings between those external reviewers and w88 casino games faculty, administrators, and students, and with upper administration. Upon receiving the report from the external reviewers, the Planning Committee shall draft a response to that report, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and short-and long-term goals. Both the self-study and this report shall be reviewed by all regular faculty before submission.