Emergency w88 online sports betting

The University of Nevada, Reno offers an emergency messaging system, Emergency w88 online sports betting, available to faculty, staff and students.

The program sends a text and/or email message to all enrolled cell phones and email accounts in the event of an w88 online sports betting at the University. The system is only used during an w88 online sports betting or unexpected closing of the University.

About the service

As part of the University of Nevada, Reno’s emergency preparedness planning, the University’s students, faculty and staff will receive emergency text and email message w88 online sports betting in addition to traditional methods of notification. The University employs text and email messaging as another technological solution for communicating swiftly and effectively with our campus community in the event of an emergency on campus.

As part of the service, you will receive a test message at least twice annually to ensure that the service is working as expected. The University will only use the service to send emergency/life-threatening or unexpected campus closure w88 online sports betting.

Available to all students, faculty and staff

All students, faculty and staff are automatically enrolled in this system through phone and email data contained in University of Nevada, Reno student or human resources systems (MyNevada and Workday, respectively). The w88 online sports betting Alert System sends a text and/or email message alert to all cell phones in the event of an w88 online sports betting at the University. The system is only used during a safety w88 online sports betting or unexpected closing of the University.


The w88 online sports betting alert system is linked to the University of Nevada, Reno Police Services Facebook and university police Twitteraccounts. Anytime an alert is sent, these social media platforms will post the alert. You can have push notifications enabled on your w88 online sports betting to receive this alert.

The service is mandatory

The Higher Education Opportunity Act ( Public Law 110 315) requires institutions to inform their respective campuses of conditions posing a threat to life, safety, and security so that members of the community can take necessary precautions to protect themselves.

Student and employee contact information that is stored in MyNevada or Workday is automatically added to the Emergency w88 online sports betting system. This information is only for the use described above and is not made available to third parties.

Students will receive emergency w88 online sports betting at the preferred email address as well as the eAlert, mobile or home phone number (selected in that order) stored in MyNevada. Employees, as well as volunteers and affiliates, will receive emergency w88 online sports betting at their primary work email and any mobile w88 online sports betting (work or home) stored in Workday. If there is no primary work email available, then the alert will go to the employee’s primary home email address. If there are no mobile phone numbers, then the alert will go to the employee’s primary home w88 online sports betting of type landline.

Updating your contact information


To add or update the phone number and email address used by the w88 online sports betting Alert system, log into your MyNEVADA account. Click on My Personal Information and you will see a drop down menu with several quick options to change your personal information.

  • To add an eAlert w88 online sports betting, click on the “Phone Numbers” link. Then, click the green “Add a w88 online sports betting” button. Enter your w88 online sports betting, including area code, and be sure to select eAlert as the w88 online sports betting Type. Once done, click Save. You can also update your existing eAlert w88 online sports betting on this screen.
    When there is no eAlert phone number specified, the emergency w88 online sports betting will be sent to the phone number of type “mobile”. If there is no mobile phone number specified, then the alert will be sent to the phone number of type “home”.
  • To add a preferred email address, click on the “Email Addresses” link. Then, click the green “Add an Email Address” button. Enter your email address, select the email type (Campus, Business, or Home) and be sure and click the Preferred box. Once done, click Save. You can also update your existing preferred email address on this screen.


To add or update the phone number and email address used by the w88 online sports betting Alert system, log into your Workday account.

  • To add or update your mobile w88 online sports betting, follow the instructions in this Workday Knowledge Base article. Make sure you specify “mobile” as the w88 online sports betting type and enter it in either the Home Contact Information or the Work Contact Information section.
    Employee mobile w88 online sports betting numbers are NOT published (unless that happens to be your primary work phone number). In addition, we send emergency w88 online sports betting to your HOME landline phone number, as this is typically also a mobile phone.
  • To add or update your primary work email address, follow the instructions in this Workday Knowledge Base article. When there is no primary work email address specified, the emergency w88 online sports betting will be sent to the primary home email address.

Student and employee data is updated in the w88 online sports betting Alert system at least once a month.

How to stop receiving University w88 online sports betting

While we strive to maintain up to date information there are occasions where the data is unreliable. In these cases, please identify which category is applicable and follow the appropriate instructions.

You would like to stop all text messages

  • Reply to the text with the word STOP.
    • This will prevent all future w88 online sports betting text messages from the University of Nevada, Reno.

You feel you have received this information incorrectly and you do not have, or have never had, an affiliation with the University

You are affiliated with the University but you would like to opt out of the system

  • Download the Opt-Out Form, fill in all the required information, sign and fax to (775) 784-1695 or email unrpd@police.unr.edu.
  • You will need to complete this form every year.

Campus emergency w88 online sports betting

In order to continue improving the wide range of communication platforms available for your safety, an w88 online sports betting alert banner message application is installed on all University-owned computers. The application is designed to scroll an w88 online sports betting message across the bottom of campus computer screens- similar to a "breaking news" banner on many television stations. This application may be installed manually on any other computer.

More information

As with all methods of emergency communication, it is important to remember that Emergency w88 online sports betting is just one of the many ways that the University contacts its campus community when an extreme emergency occurs on our campus. Emergency w88 online sports betting relies on independent third parties, such as your cell phone carrier to transmit these emergency messages. While this system is deemed highly reliable, there is no express guarantee or warranty that all emergency w88 online sports betting will be delivered.

Emergency w88 online sports betting complements emergency communications and University closure notifications already in place, including campus-wide emergency email, the University’s website, reverse 911 and communications with the local print and electronic media.