Our majors & minors

Electrical w88 online live casino major
A degree in electrical w88 online live casino prepares students to develop solutions to urgent problems in areas including generating and regulating electric power supplied to the home, manipulating signals for communication purposes, and designing specialized circuits.

Biomedical w88 online live casino major
Biomedical w88 online live casino is a broad field that involves using technology to solve medical problems. Our biomedical w88 online live casino program emphasizes the fundamentals of electrical w88 online live casino, including instrumentation, sensors, signal processing, and advanced image processing.

w88 online live casino physics major
If you want a background in w88 online live casino science, based on a firm foundation of physics, as well as an introduction to computer science, w88 online live casino physics could be the major for you. This degree also prepares you to pursue graduate studies in physics or w88 online live casino.