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As part of the President’s Office, Diversity & Inclusion works in collaboration with units across the University of Nevada, Reno, as well as with a number of Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) committees to identify and carry out initiatives supporting the University’s core values of equity, diversity and inclusion.

At the local level, we w88 casino games loginpartner and support diverse community and educational groups, various nonprofit organizations and the Washoe County School district on matters of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Below, you can find information about some of our major initiatives and partnerships.

Faculty/Staff Affinity Group Support

Eight faculty/staff focused affinity groups are supported through the Diversity & Inclusion Office: Alianza, #BlackAtThePack, Committee on the Status of Women, w88 live casinoCultural Diversity Committee, Neurodiversity Alliance, Queer & LGBT+ Advocacy Board, University Disability Advocacy Committee and the Work, Life and Family Council.

Education and Training Development

Diversity and Inclusion works with stakeholders across campus to develop and share educational resources and training w88 live casinoworkshops intended to increase inclusive excellence.

NSHE Initiatives and the Northern Nevada Diversity Summit

Diversity & Inclusion works closely with the Chancellor and Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in higher education and collaboratively organize the annual Northern Nevada Diversity Summit.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leadership Award

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leadership Award recognizes the exceptional and exemplary work of an individual, outside primary, work-related responsibilities, in advancing the values of inclusion, equity and diversity. The award is announced at the annual Honor the Best ceremony and the recipient receives an award amount of $1,500.

Presidential Task Force and Strategic Action Plan

The Presidential Diversity and Inclusion Task Force w88 live casinoincludes representatives from all University units and was convened in early 2020 to develop a Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Action Plan by analyzing trends, resources and best practices.

Dialogue, Equity and Democracy Series

The Dialogue, Equity and Democracy Series is a succession of panel discussions, guest speakers, workshops and teach-ins focused on advancing equity and democracy.

Local sponsorships

Northern Nevada Pride

Many University of Nevada, Reno units and organizations have been consistent sponsors of the yearly Northern Nevada Pride Parade and Festival. In 2022, Diversity & Inclusion began coordinating those units and organizations to create a more unified university presence at Northern Nevada Pride. Please contact our office to inquire about participating in this effort.

w88 casino games loginReno Women’s March

The University of Nevada, Reno, through the Office of Diversity & Inclusion, became one of the principal co-sponsors of the Reno Women’s March at the January 2020, highly attended annual march. The mission of Women’s March is to harness the power of diverse women and their communities to create transformative social change. Women’s March is a women-led movement providing intersectional education on a diverse range of issues and creating entry points for new grassroots activists & organizers to engage in their local communities through training, outreach programs and events.