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Diversity & Inclusion offers a four-part training certificate series to faculty, staff and students at the University of Nevada, Reno, and collaborates with entities across campus to provide additional trainings. More information about these trainings can be found below, in addition to a list of recommended trainings offered by different University communities that work towards the goals of inclusion, diversity, equity, and access.

Foundations for advancing belonging (FAB): Diversity & Inclusion training certificate

Foundations for Advancing Belonging (FAB) is a four-part training series offered by Diversity & Inclusion, and is available to University faculty, staff and students at regularly scheduled intervals and by request. After completing all four trainings, participants will receive a training certificate of completion.

Participating in these trainings in the order they are listed is recommended, as the skills explored build on each other and are intended to progress the practitioner through three levels of engagement with diversity and inclusion: reflective learning, allyship and advocacy.

Trainings offered in collaboration with campus partners

Diversity & Inclusion partners with entities across campus to develop and offer collaborative trainings that advance inclusive excellence at the University of Nevada, Reno. Below, you’ll find information on these collaborative trainings and how to participate in them. If you would like to partner with Diversity & Inclusion to develop and offer a campus training, please reach out to the Diversity and Inclusion Program Development Specialist.

Watch the Dialogue, Equity & Democracy series

Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) initiated the Dialogue, Equity and Democracy Series, a succession of panel discussions, guest speakers, workshops and teach-ins starting in the spring of 2021. Each semester the series continues to evolve with a diverse group of distinguished guest speakers on multiple issues and from multiple disciplines and experiences addressing through dialogue how to confront the challenges in order to advance equity and democracy.

Recommended trainings and workshops across campus

The following trainings and workshops are offered by different entities across campus and contribute to the goals of inclusion, diversity, equity and access. Diversity & Inclusion does not own or facilitate these trainings but recommends these as valuable opportunities. To make recommendations for additional trainings to include on this page, please reach out to the Diversity & Inclusion Program Development Specialist.