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Selected recent publications

  • Soroushian, S., Maragakis, M., and Jenkins, C., (2014) "Axial Capacity Evaluation of Typical Suspended Ceiling Joints," Earthquake Spectra, EERI, Available Online. DOI; http://dx.doi.org/10.1193/123113EQS301M
  • w88 casino games loginSoroushian, S., Zaghi, A. E., Maragakis, E. M., Echevarria, A., Tian, Y., Filiatrault, A., (2014) " Seismic Fragility Study of Fire Sprinkler Piping Systems with Grooved Fit Joints," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Available Online. DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001122
  • Zaghi, A. E., Soroushian, S., Itani, A., Maragakis, E. M., Pekcan, G., and Kashani, M., (2014) "Impact of Column-to-Beam Strength Ratio on the Seismic Response of Steel MRFs," Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Available Online. DOI: 10.1007/s10518-014-9634-9.
  • w88 casino games loginSoroushian, S., Zaghi, A. E., Maragakis, E. M., Echevarria, A., Tian, Y., Filiatrault, A., (2013) "Analytical Seismic Fragility Analyses of Fire Sprinkler Piping Systems with Threaded Joint," Earthquake Spectra, EERI, Extended Paper, http://dx.doi.org/10.1193/083112EQS277M
  • Soroushian, S., Maragakis, M., Ryan, K., Sato, E., Sasaki, T., Okazaki, T., and Mosqueda, G., w88 casino games login"Seismic Simulation of Integrated Nonstructural Systems at E-Defense, Part 2: Evaluation of Nonstructural Damage and Fragilities," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Under Review.
  • Ryan, K., Soroushian, S., Maragakis, M., Sato, E., Sasaki, T., Okazaki, T., w88 casino games login"Seismic Simulation of Integrated Nonstructural Systems at E-Defense, Part 1: Influence of 3D Structural Response and Base Isolation," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Under Review.
  • Zaghi, A. E., Soroushian, S., Itani, A., Maragakis, E. M., Pekcan, G., and Kashani, M., (2013) "Impact of Column-to-Beam Strength Ratio on the Seismic Response of Steel MRFs," Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, w88 casino gamesaccepted for publication.
  • Weiser, J., Pekcan, G., Zaghi, E., Itani, A., Maragakis, M., (2013) "Floor Acceleration in Yielding SMRF Structures", Earthquake Spectra, 29(3), pp.987-1002.
  • Zaghi, A. E., Soroushian, S., Itani, A., Maragakis, E. M., and Pekcan, G., (2012) "Effect of Column-to-Beam Strength Ratio on the Seismic Response of Steel Moment Resisting Frames," International Journal of Steel Structures, Tentatively w88 casino gamesaccepted for publication.
  • Zaghi, A. E., Maragakis, E. M., Itani, A., and Goodwin, E. (2010) "Experimental and Analytical Studies of Hospital Piping Subassemblies Subjected to Seismic Loading," Earthquake Spectra, EERI, February 2012

For a complete list of publications, please download my CV.