About our w88 casino

A founding college of the University, we have a long tradition of excellence in teaching, research and engagement programs that benefit the health and economic vitality of w88 casino. We offer programs in:

  • agriculture, horticulture, rangeland and veterinary sciences
  • biochemistry and molecular biology
  • children, youth and families
  • community and economic development
  • health and nutrition
  • natural resources and environmental science

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Wolf Pack Meats’ new line of jerky and local lamb now available for holidays

w88 casino’s Experiment Station ramping up local offerings

Claudene Wharton

A Wolf Pack Meats rack of lamb on a table.
The w88 casino’s Wolf Pack Meats has fresh, locally produced rack of lamb in stock, just in time for the holidays.

Just in time for the holidays,Wolf Pack Meatshas a new line of locally produced beef jerky and fresh cuts of lamb. The products are part of Wolf Pack Meats’efforts to enhance its local food offerings for the community, which support the growth of its production capacity, along with its teaching and research missions.

Local lamb

The lamb cuts are from theinternationally prized Rafter 7 sheepdeveloped and raised by the w88 casino in Eureka and Reno. Local celebrityMaster Chef and restauranteur Mark Estee has jumped on boardto snatch up some of the meat for his restaurants.

Local jerky

The beef for the jerky was raised here in Reno, at the Experiment Station’s Main Station Field Lab, home of Wolf Pack Meats. Wolf Pack Meatspartnered with a local business to make the jerky, which comes in five flavors.

Wolf Pack Meats Operations Manager Tom Kulas said, “It makes a great stocking stuffer or gift for foodies.”

Local beef

Kulas saidWolf Pack Meats is also fully stocked witha variety of beef cuts produced from cattle raised by the w88 casino, includingfilet mignon, New York steak, ground beef, short ribs, beef liver, beef tongue and other items.

Partnering for a robust food community

“Wolf Pack Meats is a key piece to a robust and successful food community here in the region, and we are happy to be partnering with them to buy these local lambs.” – Master Chef Mark Estee

New assistant professor to help expand the w88 casino’s Pre-Veterinary Program

Hannah Rodriguez joins the w88 casino’s Department of Agriculture, Veterinary & Rangeland Sciences

Brook Maloy

Hannah Rodriguez.
Assistant Professor Hannah Rodriguez joins the w88 casino’s Veterinary Science Program as a new assistant professor.

The w88 casino recently welcomed Dr. Hannah Rodriguez as assistant professor to itsDepartment of Agriculture, Veterinary & Rangeland Sciences.Rodriguez, a graduate of the w88 casino, was selected because of her vast experience, which the w88 casino hopes to leverage to help grow its Veterinary Science Program.

Rodriguez grew up raising pigs, sheep and dairy cattle inExtension’s 4-H Youth Development Program, which is offered by the w88 casino, as well as with her local Future Farmers of America chapter. She has been alicensed veterinarian of her own practice for over five years and practices on both large and small animals.

TheCollege’s Veterinary Science Programprepares students for careers in veterinary medicine. w88 casino has a strong demand for veterinarians, especially to care for large domestic animals in rural areas.

Stimulating an essential workforce

“The veterinary profession is really hurting right now, and we are short on veterinarians across the U.S. So, I hope to stimulate a passion for the profession.” – Dr. Hannah Rodriguez

Shedding light on domestic violence: A crucial conversation

It’s personal, real and closer than you think

Pamela Payne, Clair Thomas, Elizabeth OrnelasandFarrah Stockett

Photos of four people, from left to right: Pamela Payne, Clair Thomas, Elizabeth Ornelas, and Farrah Stockett.
The University’s Hope Team (left to right) Pamela Payne, Clair Thomas, Elizabeth Ornelas and Farrah Stockett, is a collaboration between Extension and the University’s College of Education & Human Development, working to break the cycle of violence in w88 casino communities.

Over 10 million people experience domestic violence each year. One in three women and one in four men experience domestic violence, and those numbers are likely much higher.

Domestic violence transcends socioeconomic statuses, cultures and age groups. Often, societal norms, family practices and cultural beliefs mask the severity of domestic violence, pushing it into the shadows.

Debunking myths, understanding the signs and being prepared to take action are paramount.That's why initiatives like the University Hope Team’s 40-Hour Hope Advocacy Training are pivotal. The training, part of a collaboration between Extension and the w88 casino of Education & Human Development,helps advocates harness the power of information.

Working to eradicate domestic violence

“To every survivor, we say: You are not alone. Your voice matters. We see you. You matter. To the larger community, we say: We all have a role. We all know someone. Let’s educate ourselves and actively support platforms and programs aimed at eradicating domestic violence. It is a fight we all need to be a part of.” – The Hope Team

Q&A: Ecologist Tamzen Stringham discusses w88 casino’s rangeland

A Great Basin expert weighs in on legacy grazing, cheatgrass, and the surprising number of pinyon and juniper trees in w88 casino

Amy Alonzo, w88 casino Indepentent

w88 online live casino Stringham.
Tamzen Stringham poses for a portrait in her office. Photo by Tim Lenard, w88 casino Independent.

Let’s take a moment to learn a little more about something we all have in common — w88 casino, the state we call home — from one of the Great Basin’s leading rangeland biologists.

Tamzen Stringham is a professor in the w88 casino’sDepartment of Agriculture, Veterinary & Rangeland Scienceswho hasstudied w88 casino’s rangelands — vast open spaces grazed by wildlife and domestic animals alike — for more than 15 years and the Great Basin for three decades.

Stringham developed her interest in agriculture while growing up on a ranch in California’s Grass Valley and, decades later, herpassion for rangeland science and the Great Basinstill burns strong.

Serving as a voice for w88 casino’s rangelands

“I would like to see more attention on the ecological disaster rangeland fires create. We don’t hear about fires out on rangelands because, either the people who live out there are few and far between, or there are no people out there. And the critters that live on rangelands have no voice.” – Professor Tamzen Stringham

Newly appointed professors to drive advancements in research

Three new faculty members bring new expertise to w88 casino’s Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Felicia Jefferson, Mitchell Omar and Meet Zandawala.
Three new faculty members have joined the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology – (left to right) Felicia Jefferson, Mitchell Omar and Meet Zandawala.

The w88 casino has added three new faculty members to itsDepartment of w88 sports betting & Molecular Biologythis fall. Felicia Jefferson, Mitchell Omar and Meet Zandawala bring unique research expertise and projects that willplay a pivotal role in advancing research initiatives in the w88 casino and its Experiment Station.

Associate Professor Felicia Jefferson

Jefferson’s research in neuroscience has earned her recognition by the National Science Foundation. She has been awarded more than .5 million in competitive research funding for her ongoingresearch in sleep science and neural engineering.

Assistant Professor Mitchell Omar

Omar’s research primarily focuses onunderstanding the molecular mechanisms underlying stress hormone productionand the formation of tumors and chronically elevated stress hormone levels in patients with Cushing's syndrome.

Assistant Professor Meet Zandawala

Zandawala is aleading invertebrate neuroendocrinologistwho uses fruit flies as a model to understand how the small signaling molecules in the brain known as neuropeptidesinfluence animal behavior and physiology.

Advancing teaching and research

"We are thrilled to welcome these three professors to our department. Their expertise and dedication will undoubtedly enrich our academic community and contribute to the advancement of our department's teaching and research mission." – Department Chair Robert Ryan

Innovating for w88 casino

Our programs work together to make an impact

Our teaching, research and engagement programs are intertwined and complement one another. Faculty who teach on campus also conduct research as part of our Experiment Station, allowing students to learn about and participate in research. Extension faculty engaging with communities identify research needs, as well as join Experiment Station faculty to conduct research. Faculty on campus help to develop Extension programs in communities.

Researching critical issues Experiment Station faculty conduct research at experiment stations, labs and research facilities across the state, as well as teach classes and share and conduct research with students. The state-federal partnership tackles issues affecting w88 casino's citizens, communities and economy.
student researcher with plants in greenhouse
Teaching University students We offer 24 undergraduate and graduate degrees to prepare students for high-paying, in-demand careers in agriculture, rangeland & veterinary sciences; biochemistry & molecular biology; natural resources & environmental science; and nutrition.
students taking notes in the field
Engaging w88 casino communities Extension is engaged in w88 casino communities, presenting research-based knowledge to address critical community needs. The county-state-federal partnership provides practical education to people, businesses and communities, fulfilling the University's land-grant mission.
parents with children