About our College

A founding college of the University, we have a long tradition of excellence in teaching, research and engagement programs that benefit the health and economic vitality of w88 casino. We offer programs in:

  • agriculture, horticulture, rangeland & veterinary sciences
  • biochemistry & molecular biology
  • children, youth & families
  • community & economic development
  • health & nutrition
  • natural resources & environmental science

College and University earn accreditation from the Society for Range Management

New accreditation enhances University's reputation

Ashley Andrews

Students doing research in rangelandStudents can learn the science of watching over the world's wildland through the now-accredited Rangeland Ecology & Management Program. Photo by Jeff Dow.

TheCollege of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Natural Resource'sRangeland Ecology & Management degree programis now accredited by theSociety for Range Management, andUniversity of w88 casino, Renois now a Society for Range Management accredited university.

This is the first time that the degree and the University have been accredited by the Society.

The Society is a professional scientific and conservation organization that provides leadership for the stewardship of rangelands based on sound ecological principles. It accredits quality professional programs in range management education and the universities that provide them.

The University received word from the Society of the accreditation this summer, just a few short months after theUniversity achieved the Carnegie Classification of "R1"in December and just before it learned last month thatU. S. News and World Report ranked the University in the top tier of national universities for the 10th straight year.

The Society accredits quality professional programs in range management education

"I believe there are only 12 programs in the world that are Society-accredited." - Tamzen Stringham, Agriculture, Veterinary & Rangeland Sciences department chair

Extension's Anne Lindsay named School of Integrated Health Sciences Alumna of the Year

Lindsayfocuses on nutrition, obesity and eating disorders among women and children

Matt Jacob, with the w88 casino, Las Vegas News Center

Anne w88 mobileAnne Lindsay researches childhood obesity and provides education for women and girls in correctional settings who suffer from eating disorders. Photoby w88 casino, Las Vegas.

Anne Lindsay’s commitment to improving public health and wellness stretches back more than three decades. After receiving her first bachelor’s degree in ergonomics and physical education from the University of California-Santa Barbara in 1982, thew88 casino, Las Vegas School of Integrated Health SciencesAlumna of the Year made the trek to the desert and enrolled at UNLV, where in 1988 she earned her master’s degree in exercise physiology. While pursuing that degree, Lindsaybecame a research assistant and later a UNLV adjunct faculty member, positions she held from 1986 to 1994.

At the same time, Lindsay launched a career with the singular mission of promoting a healthy lifestyle in both children and adults. In addition to working for several YMCA locations in Southern California for 11 years, including serving as senior physical director, Lindsay was the health promotion director at w88 casino National Security Site from 1990 to 1997. From there, she started HealthWorks, her own health and wellness business. Herclients included both the Florence McClure Women’s Correctional Center and Choices Group, working in their drug-court program.

Lindsay operated HealthWorks until 2006, at which point she re-entered the world of academia as an associate professor of public health & exercise physiology at the southern campus ofw88 casino, Reno Extension. She continues in that role today, conducting research and promoting health-and-wellness programs focused on two specific areas: childhood obesity, particularly health, nutrition and physical literacy in preschool children; and gender-responsive education for women and girls in correctional settings who suffer from eating pathologies, body-image issues, obesity, substance-use disorders and addiction.

Making w88 casino a healthier place

Lindsay has investigated nutrition, obesity and eating disorders among women and children for more than three decades.

New forest ecologist seeks to increase awareness of fire science in w88 casino

Christina Restaino joins the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Natural Resources

Hannah Alfaro

Christina RestainoChristina Restaino is a newly hired fire ecologist with Extension. Photo by Robert Moore.

Thew88 casino, Reno’sCollege of Agriculture, Biotechnology, & Natural Resourceswelcomes Christina Restaino to the faculty as an assistant professor forExtensionas well as the director of theLiving With Fire Program.

As a forest ecologist, Restaino has studied how fire and climate alter tree growth and forest ecosystems. Specifically, she is interested in how land management actions can alter how ecosystems respond to stress from drought, fire and climate change. She focuses on translating scientific information for use in land management and helping to inform the public about pressing ecological issues. Restaino has talked about fire science on many news programs, including National Public Radio’s Science Friday and BBC Science in Action.

Restaino will teach communities, work with land managers and serve w88 casino with her expertise

“Extension brought together my love of academics and natural resource management.” - Restaino

w88 casino of the matter

Determining risk to catch it early

Tiffany Kozsan

Robert RyanRobert Ryan in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology is looking for ways to identify, and subsequently reduce, the risk of w88 casino failure. Photo by Robert Moore.

Nearly 6 million people in the U.S. suffer from w88 casino failure, which occurs when the w88 casino cannot deliver an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the rest of the body. The College is researching ways to detect, prevent and treat the disease. Professor and Department ChairRobert RyaninBiochemistry & Molecular Biologyis looking for ways to identify, and subsequently reduce, the risk of w88 casino failure by studying cardiolipin – a component of cells that is essential for making the energy needed for other cell parts to do their jobs. Ryan, who is also with theExperiment Station, is investigating what happens when inherited mutations in specific genes alter the cardiolipin content in the w88 casino, compromising cardiolipin’s function in membranes. For the w88 casino, defective cardiolipin content can prevent the w88 casino from pumping effectively, increasing the risk of w88 casino disease. Ryan hopes this research will provide clues to help doctors gauge patients’ risk of developing w88 casino disease, and to detect it early.

The way the body compensates for a poorly functioning w88 casino may also provide indicators of the risk of developing w88 casino disease. When blood cannot properly circulate through the w88 casino, the body finds alternate routes for nutrients and oxygen. This process creates “biomarkers” – unique substances not normally found when the body is functioning properly, but which appear when systems fail. Since such biomarkers only occur when the w88 casino is not working optimally, Ryan and his team hope that measuring their amounts can predict a patient’s disease risk. In addition, they are researching the origin of biomarkers to learn more about how they are made, how they link to disease, and any additional information that may aid in creating treatments.

"With more information...

we can develop a test to measure this biomarker to predict the risk level of w88 casino disease to a certain degree.” – Ryan

w88 casino 4-H hosts Friends and Family Picnic in 2020

Stakeholders invited to w88 casino 4-H Camp for thank-you meal

Carrie Stark

w88 mobile 4-H Camp signThere has been a steering committee working very hard to develop a master plan that will expand capacity at the State w88 casino Camp as we look to the future. Photo by Robert Moore.

Thew88 casino 4-H Youth Development Programwill be hosting a Friends and Family picnic at the State 4-H Camp on May 2, 2020, from 2 to 6 p.m. Additional details will be available in early 2020. This event is a way to thank our stakeholders for their support for w88 casino 4-H Camp for the past 81 years and to share with everyone the plans for camp facility improvements. There has been a steering committee working very hard to develop a master plan that will expand capacity at the State 4-H Camp as we look to the future.

There are many exciting plans for w88 casino 4-H Youth Development and growing opportunities for alumni to get involved, so we are updating our database of contact information. If you are a 4-H alumnus (either in w88 casino or another state) or attended a camp at w88 casino State 4-H Camp, we would like you to take a few minutes tocomplete a surveyso we can keep in touch.

Completing this survey will ensure you receive the information about the Friends and Family Picnic at the State w88 casino Camp, plus any other statewide w88 casino events that will be taking place. We are going to be working to create a statewide w88 casino alumni group so those who want to be more active will have an opportunity.

If you have any questions or would like to get more involved as a w88 casino alumni, contact Carrie Stark atstarkc@unce.unr.eduor 775-784-4785.

81 years

w88 casino 4-H Camp has been teaching campers leadership, citizenship and life skills.

Growing a stronger w88 casino

Our programs work together to make an impact

Our teaching, research and engagement programs are intertwined and complement one another. Faculty who teach on campus also conduct research as part of the Experiment Station, allowing students to learn about and participate in research. Extension faculty engaging with communities identify research needs, as well as join Experiment Station faculty to conduct research. Faculty on campus help to develop Extension programs in communities.

Researching critical issues Experiment Station faculty conduct research at experiment stations, labs and research facilities across the state, as well as teach classes and share and conduct research with students. The state-federal partnership tackles issues affecting w88 casino's citizens, communities and economy.
student researcher with plants in greenhouse
Teaching University students We offer 17 undergraduate and graduate degrees to prepare students for high-paying, in-demand careers in agriculture, rangeland & veterinary sciences; biochemistry & molecular biology; natural resources & environmental science; and nutrition.
students taking notes in the field
Engaging w88 casino communities Extension is engaged in w88 casino communities, presenting research-based knowledge to address critical community needs. The county-state-federal partnership provides practical education to people, businesses and communities, fulfilling the University's land-grant mission.
parents with children

Want to help grow w88 casino?

Consider making a contribution in support of classroom, lab or office space; graduate assistantships; student scholarships; or upgrades to w88 casino 4-H Camp. To learn more, please contact Mitch Klaich '02, director of development, at 775-682-6490.