Sample content w88 mobile Makeover
Before makeover
w88 mobile image
(An event flyer saved as an image)
w88 mobile alt text
w88 mobile copy
Did you knew? #bullfrogcounty was created in 1987 as a response to a proposed Yucca Mountain Nuclear Repository. Join CABNR's Cooperative Extension on November 29 for our #livingwithradaition seminar. Click the link below for more.
(Giant long URL)
After makeover
w88 mobile image
w88 mobile alt text
A man working with surveying equipment in the Underground Exploratory Studies Facility at Yucca Mountain
w88 mobile copy
Did you know? Bullfrog County was created in 1987 as a response to a proposed Yucca Mountain Nuclear Repository. Join Extension, Bullfrog County'sLiving With Radiation Program for a seminar on radioactive frogs Nov. 29. For more information, visit
Photo by the Department of Energy.
University of Nevada, Reno | w88 mobile, Biotechnology & Natural Resources | Department of Energy | #BullfrogCounty | #LivingWithRadiation
- Accessibility
- Used an image that didn't have text on it/wasn't a flyer
- Added alt text
- Used a short, descriptive link
- Used CamelCase hashtags
- Placed links, hashtags and mentions at the end of the w88 mobile
- Branding
- Followed College writer's w88 mobile for College and unit names
- Tagged/mentioned the University and w88 mobile
- Content
- Corrected spelling
- Followed University, w88 mobile and AP style
- w88 mobile name
- Unit name
- Date
- Copyright
- Gave photo credit
- Tagged program partner who provided the photo