w88 online casino Spring Celebration & Awards Night

Biochemistry & w88 online casino Student Awards

Grace Schmitt.

Grace Schmitt, Outstanding Senior,Bachelor's w88 casino in biochemistry

Grace, a Presidential Scholar andHonors w88 online casino, has been successful throughout her time at the University. She focused on her goal of becoming a dentist from the very beginning and was instrumental for the Pre-Dental Club at the University. Her senior thesis project investigating potential antiviral genes in mosquitoes helped advance research in the field. We are confident that her major and aminor in business administrationprepared her well for a career in dentistry.

Micah Woodruff.

Micah Woodruff, Outstanding Senior,Bachelor's w88 casino in biochemistry

Micah is an undergraduateHonors w88 online casinopursuing a B.S. in biochemistry & w88 online casino, andneurosciencewith a minor inBachelor's w88 casino games. In addition to having a stellar academic record, Micah was awarded aw88 casino Undergraduate Research Awardto perform neurobiology research. Indeed, his senior thesis project provided ground-breaking insights on the role of PINK1 in neuronal development. Upon graduation, Micah plans to pursue an M.D./Ph.D. program to become a well-rounded medical scientist in neurology.

Jasmine Lam.

Jasmine Lam, Outstanding Senior,Biotechnology

Jasmine has achieved academic success by dedication and perseverance throughout their undergraduate career. Their research project focuses on creating diagnostic tools for early diagnosis of candidiasis in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent and lateral flow assay formats, where they received the Foundation Pack Partnership Grant for research funding. Jasmine's future goals are to continue their education in the w88 online casino's M.S. Biotechnology Program and work in the pharmaceutical industry, developing point-of-care diagnosis tools.

Monica Carey.

Monica Carey, Outstanding Senior,Biotechnology

Monica is a first-generation American and w88 online casino student who is academically dedicated and persistent in research. She has previously investigated carrots' defense mechanisms against white mold and spent a summer at Michigan State University studying drought stress on soybeans. Her current research involves characterizing a microbial consortium for degradation of cactus pear for biofuel production. Monica will continue her scientific curiosity as she enters the w88 online casino's M.S. Biotechnology Program.

Austin Baldridge.

Austin Baldridge, Outstanding Master's w88 online casino,Biotechnology

Austin's research is focused on identifying biomarkers forBorrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease. Under the mentorship of Professor David AuCoin and Research Assistant Professors Kathryn Pflughoeft and Sujata Pandit, Austin has contributed by screening Lyme-positive patient samples for viable biomarkers or antigens through mass spectrometry and immunoblotting. Once validated, these biomarkers will be used to produce antibodies specific toBorrelia burgdorferi, which will be leveraged to develop rapid diagnostic assays for the detection of Lyme disease.

Dean Trotta.

Dean Trotta, Outstanding Master's w88 online casino,Biotechnology

Dean came to the University to study biochemistry and w88 online casino. During his bachelor's studies, he developed a passion for metabolism and pursued an M.S. in biotechnology with Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Biochemistry &and Associate ProfessorDylan Kosmato study the biosynthesis of bioactive natural products. Dean demonstrated an excellent capacity for the utilization of advanced analytical instrumentation and a profound understanding of biosynthetic processes. Dean has all the right skills for a successful career in whichever field he chooses.

Kayleigh Robichaux.

Kayleigh Robichaux, Outstanding Ph.D. Student, Biochemistry & w88 online casino

Kayleigh (Kage) is a model Ph.D. w88 online casino. She has constantly pushed to answer difficult scientific questions, published four manuscripts, endeavored tirelessly to support other graduate students in thew88 online casino Biosciences Graduate Program, and inspired several of her undergraduate trainees to pursue their own careers in science. After graduating, she will move forward to pursue a postdoctoral position in cancer w88 online casino. There is no doubt that she will make fundamental contributions toward developing new cancer therapies in the future.

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