Visual identity

Block N w88 online live casino design

  • The Block N w88 online live casino is a unit comprised of our N within a perfect square on a field of blue (or black, in a black-and-white design)
  • The primary color of the N is white. In formal or more elaborate designs, the N can be gray or silver.
  • The Block N w88 online live casino should not be altered in any way, including stretching, shadowing, beveling, changing the proportions or altering the color palette.

University signature

A signature is a w88 online live casino mark plus a logotype.

The main signature for the w88 casino, Reno consists of the Block N logo and the logotype (the typography that makes up the name of the University). The w88 casino, Reno logotype is set in Myriad Pro Roman with custom tracking.

Horizontal University w88 online live casino mark and logotype identifier
Vertical University w88 online live casino mark and logotype identifier

Color palette for print

The official colors of the w88 casino, Reno are dark blue and silver. The University signature can be produced in four-color process (CMYK), two PANTONE® colors, black and white, and grayscale.

w88 casino BLUE

Pantone: 282C
HEX: #041E42
RGB: 4, 30, 66
CMYK: 100, 72, 0, 73


Pantone: 877
HEX: #8A8D8F
RGB: 138, 141, 143
CMYK: 3, 1, 0, 43

w88 casino WHITE

Pantone: White
RGB: 255, 255, 255
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

Color combinations

The University signature can appear in any of the color schemes below.

These color combinations work for the "stacked" versions of the w88 online live casino as well. Remember, on dark or non-white backgrounds, there should always be a thin white stroke on the outside of the Block N w88 online live casino to show that there is a square around the letter N.

In such cases, you may also need to change the logotype (i.e., the words "w88 casino, Reno) to white.

Standard University of Nevada, w88 online live casino and Signature

Standard: Blue box

White N
CMYK or two Pantone colors (PMS 282 blue + white)

Standard Black University of Nevada, w88 online live casino and Signature

Standard: Black box

White N
CMYK or two Pantone colors (black + white)

Fancy Blue University of Nevada, w88 online live casino and Signature

Fancy: Blue box

Silver N
CMYK or two Pantone colors
PMS 282 blue + PMS 877 C silver gray or 877 C metallic silver or silver foil

Fancy Black University of Nevada, w88 online live casino and Signature

Fancy: Black box

Silver N
CMYK or two Pantone colors
Black + PMS 877 C silver gray or 877 C metallic silver or silver foil

Minimum w88 online live casino sizes

Logos and logotypes lose their effectiveness when you cannot see or read them. For this reason, we recommend the guidelines below when creating designs and artwork. If you are not trained in graphic design, please consult with University Marketing and Communications for guidance by

The university w88 online live casino must be a minimum of three-quarters inch height

Signature: Minimum size

The w88 online live casino N logomark by itself must be a minimum of a quarter-inch height

Block N alone: Minimum size

Clear space

w88 online live casino system: Illegal use

Vertical and horizontal versions

Our University signature is trademarked and should never be altered in any way -- not stretched, distorted, made transparent, rearranged, beveled, skewed, tilted, drop-shadowed or color-changed from the original files.

These rules apply to the stacked version of the University Signature as well. Remember, the square field behind the N is always dark blue, or black when printing B&W.

University w88 online live casino reversed incorrectly

Do not reverse the color scheme of the University w88 online live casino. The field surrounding the N is always blue or black.

University w88 online live casino outlined incorrectly

Do not outline the University w88 online live casino. The field surrounding the N is always blue or black.

w88 online live casino block N double outline

Do not create a "half & half" version of the University w88 online live casino. The field surrounding the N is always blue or black.

Words overlaying university w88 online live casino

Do not place words or images over the Block N w88 online live casino.

University w88 online live casino condensed unproportionately

Do not condense the w88 online live casino vertically.

University w88 online live casino vertically stretched unproportionately

Do not stretch the w88 online live casino horizontally.

Slightly transparent university w88 online live casino

Do not make the w88 online live casino transparent.

University w88 online live casino with text incorrectly aligned bottom

Do not move elements of the w88 online live casino.

University w88 online live casino incorrect color

Do not change the color of the University w88 online live casino.

University w88 online live casino with no outline

Do not use the N outside of the box.

University w88 online live casino with incorrect color to block N and text

Do not add color to the w88 online live casino.

Bitmapped university w88 online live casino

Do not use low-resolution logos in your designs.

Unversity w88 online live casino with different text color

Do not change the colors in the official w88 online live casino lock-ups.

University w88 online live casino block N in-between innovation headline

Do not make the Block N part of a word or headline.

University w88 online live casino block N scaled larger inside background color box

Do not change the proportion of the N relative to its box.

University horizontal w88 online live casino tilted vertically

Do not tilt or position the w88 online live casino vertically.

Logos on photos

  • When using the Block N w88 online live casino on any non-white background, the Block N w88 online live casino should have a thin white outline.
  • Never crowd the Block N w88 online live casino. It must always have clear space around it equal to half the height of the N.
  • The Block N logo can appear alone where the viewer understands it represents the w88 casino, Reno. In all other instances, you must include the logotype (i.e., the words "w88 casino, Reno").
  • Do not attempt to recreate the Block N w88 online live casino or logotype.

The University signature was designed to be versatile and stand out on a variety of backgrounds across all media.

Questions? Contact us at

Reversed university w88 online live casino over background campus

University w88 online live casino over background campus

Black and white university w88 online live casino over grayscale background campus

Athletic brands

The logos below are managed by w88 casino Athletics and are trademarks subject to licensing fees or royalties for their use. Permission to use any of the logos below must be obtained from w88 casino Athletics. Please contact them at (775) 682-6977for more information.

Sports Wolf w88 online live casino
Top Hat w88 online live casino
Baseball N w88 online live casino
pack script w88 online live casino

Presidential Seal

presidential seal

The president of the w88 casino, Reno is the official custodian of the University seal. Use of the University seal is reserved for formal and official documents, such as diplomas, certificates, official records and student transcripts. All usage of the seal must be approved by the Office of the President. Use of the seal may be permitted on certain licensed commercial products if approved by the Office of the President.

The University seal should not be used as a background image on websites and publications or embroidered on apparel.

A note about the use of the seal on certificates

The seal should only be used on certificates signed by the president. All certificates signed by the president require approval by the Office of the President and should be arranged in advance by calling (775) 784-4805.

w88 casino Alumni Association signature

The Alumni Association's logo may only be used with permission from w88 casino Alumni Association. To request permission, please contact Alumni Relations at (775) 784-6620.

University of Nevada, Reno Alumni Association Standard w88 online live casino

University of Nevada, Reno Alumni Association Reversed w88 online live casino