Programs and w88 online casino betting

The Risk Management w88 online casino betting Office exists to protect the health and provide for the safety of students, employees, and visitors. We utilize a variety of tools to protect the public from injury and/or damage incidental to campus operations, and to protect our assets and the environment.

HR Shared w88 online casino betting Risk Management programs and w88 online casino betting

  • Administer fifteen different insurance programs, including property, automobile, liability, workers’ compensation and foreign travel coverages.
  • Purchase insurance when necessary and work with departments to obtain underwriting information
  • Administer claims, coordinate loss prevention efforts to minimize unintentional losses, obtain timely and equitable recovery of insured losses
  • Review agreements for proper insurance requirements and language
  • Provide certificates of insurance for business purposes
  • Provide risk assessment/mitigation consulting w88 online casino betting to departments
  • Provide Ergonomic Assessments and Recommendations
  • Oversee the Volunteer Program

In case of injury, damage or Loss

  • All claims must be reported promptly.
  • In a safe manner, take whatever steps are immediately necessary to render emergency medical care, salvage property, or reduce the further extent of the loss.
  • If possible, do not disturb the evidence or hazard which caused the claim until the area can be inspected, pictures taken, and conditions recorded.
  • Obtain the names and addresses of parties involved, witnesses, etc. as soon as possible.
  • Record the details of the accident while it is still fresh in your mind, and call the BCN Risk Office within 24 hours.

Contact us

Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

(775) 784-4394 BCNRISK@UNR.EDU

24-hour emergency hotline

Local staff are on-call 24/7 in case of emergency.

(775) 327-5040