Balloon Race w88 slot online
All w88 slot online members have the opportunity to serve on one or more sub-committees, help design the year’s pin, sell pins and drawing tickets, participate in Great Reno Balloon Race Events (e.g., pilot party, crewing for the University sponsored balloon, staffing the balloon pin display at the hospitality tent on event days), and participate in w88 slot online pot-luck dinner for pilot.
- Scholarship: This sub-w88 slot online reviews applications for eligibility and selects two recipients for awards.
- Pins/Drawing Tickets: This sub-w88 slot online distributes pins and drawing tickets to sellers, keeps accounting of how many sold, collects monies, and sells pins and drawing tickets.
- Donations/Drawings: This sub-w88 slot online solicits drawing prizes from area companies and other donors,sends letters for requests, and picks-up prizes, if needed. Also holds drawing the Wednesday before the GRBR and sends thank-you letters to donors. Delivers drawing prizes not claimed at drawing.
- Publicity: This sub-committee advertises the committee, scholarship recipients and pins/drawings through social media, w88 slot online Today, flyers, etc.
- Pilot’s Party: This sub-w88 slot online organizes dinner for pilot; reservations; pilot gift, etc.
- Hospitality Tent: This sub-w88 slot online sets up the University reserved booth each race day, secures enough food and drink from w88 slot online members for race days, staffs booth and pin display, and gives out any scholarship information.
- Crewing:This sub-w88 slot online crews for University balloon at event; supplies anything the pilot needs in the way of equipment for balloon; keeps track of banner. In charge of reserving the Quad for Media Day as well as sprinkler shut-off and the unlocking of the posts/bollards on the Quad.
- Website:This sub-w88 slot online develops, maintains and updates the Balloon Race Scholarship w88 slot online webpage with current and past information.