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The Human Paleoecology w88 live casinoand Archaeometry Laboratory is located in Edmund J. Cain Hall, Room 204 and is under the direction of Christopher Jazwa, Ph.D. and Christoper Morgan, Ph.D. The lab is equipped to address research related to isotope geochemistry, radiocarbon dating, microscopy, geoarchaeology, soil and sediment analysis, GIS-based spatial analyses and geostatistics, zooarchaelogy, flotation, pXRF-based geochemical assessment and obsidian hydration rind measurement.

The lab currently has the capabilities to process organic materials, carbonates and bone collagen to be submitted for stable isotopic w88 live casinotesting and radiocarbon dating. Other opportunities are available in collaboration with the Desert Research Institute. Prospective graduate students interested in related research questions and the methodologies used in this lab are encouraged to contact Jazwa or Morgan.

Laboratory members

Human Paleoecology w88 live casinoand Archaeometry Laboratory
Christopher Jazwa
Christopher Jazwa, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Undergraduate Program Director
(775) 682-7623
AB Room 619
Human Paleoecology w88 live casinoand Archaeometry Laboratory
Christopher Morgan
Christopher Morgan
Professor of Anthropology; Don Frazier-Don Fowler Endowed Chair in Prehistoric Great Basin Archaeology; w88 casinoFaculty member in Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
(775) 682-8992
AB Room 510
Human Paleoecology w88 live casinoand Archaeometry Laboratory
Peter Banke
Peter Banke
Graduate Student
Human Paleoecology w88 live casinoand Archaeometry Laboratory
Human Paleoecology w88 live casinoand Archaeometry Laboratory