Geoff has worked in the Intermountain West since 2001 and primarily focuses on the archaeology of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. Topics of interest include: (1) human mobility strategies, as measured through analyses of lithic technology and source provenance studies of obsidian tools; (2) how environmental, demographic, and social factors influenced hunter-gatherer adaptation in the w88 online live casino; (3) human dietary choices and the importance of Indigenous knowledge to interpreting food residues from archaeological contexts; and (4) public outreach, including collaborative teaching, training, and gathering events.
As Executive Director of the Artemisia Archaeological Research Fund (AARF), w88 online live casino is actively involved in fieldwork each summer and is currently directing survey projects in the northwestern Great Basin. He is also analyzing Western Stemmed Tradition (WST) lithic assemblages from Last Supper Cave and several surface locales along the Nevada-Oregon border. Finally, w88 online live casino is co-PI of the Traditional Nutrition Project, which brings together Indigenous community members and staff and students from UNR and the University of Oregon to share knowledge about how and when to gather Great Basin plants and the macro and micronutrients that different foods provide.
w88 online live casino welcomes inquiries from prospective undergraduate and graduate students interested in Great Basin archaeology and ecology.
w88 online live casino interests
- The Pleistocene-Holocene transition w88 online live casino West
- Experimental w88 online live casino
- Lithic technology and technological organization
- Peopling of the Americas
- Public outreach
Courses taught
- ANTH 202 Introduction to w88 online live casino
- ANTH 350 The w88 online live casino of Nevada
- ANTH 446/646 Archaeological Methods
- ANTH 448a/648a Field School in w88 online live casino
- ANTH 449b Lithic Artifact Analysis
- ANTH 723 Lithic Technological Organization
- ANTH 740 w88 online live casino Archaeology and Paleoecology
- ANTH 741 Peopling of the Americas
Select Publications (2019-Present)
- 2024 Rosencrance, w88 online live casino L., Katelyn N. McDonough, Geoffrey N. w88 online live casino, Christopher S. Jazwa, Dennis L. Jenkins, Joshua Clements, Daron G. Duke, Daniel O. Stueber, and L. Suzann Henrikson. Bayesian Analysis of Haskett Projectile Point Dates w88 online live casino West Demonstrates Contemporaneity with Clovis and Folsom Points. PaleoAmerica, in press.
- 2024 w88 online live casino, Geoffrey M., Dennis L. Jenkins, Derek J. Reaux, Sophia A. Jamaldin, Richard L. Rosencrance, and Katelyn N. McDonough. Western Stemmed Tradition Toolstone Conveyance and its Role in Understanding How Early Populations Settled into the w88 online live casino. In Current Perspectives on w88 online live casino and Fluted Technologies of the American Far West, edited by Katelyn N. McDonough, w88 online live casino L. Rosencrance, and Jordan Pratt, pp. 59-78. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
- 2023 w88 online live casino, Geoffrey M., Daniel O. Stueber, Erica J. Bradley, w88 online live casino L. Rosencrance, and Daron Duke. The Form and Function of Oversized Parman Stemmed Points of the Western Stemmed Tradition. Journal of California and w88 online live casino 43(2):17-31.
- 2023 Rosencrance, w88 online live casino L., Christopher S. Jazwa, Geoffrey M. w88 online live casino, and Jackson C. Mueller. Redating Deer Creek Cave: A Stratified Upland Site in Northeastern Nevada. Journal of California and w88 online live casino Anthropology 43(2):243-260.
- 2022 w88 online live casino, Geoffrey M. (ed.) w88 online live casino Shadow of the Steamboat: A Natural and Cultural History of North Warner Valley, Oregon.w88 online live casino Utah Anthropological Papers 137, Salt Lake City.
- 2022 Bradley, Erica J., Geoffrey M. w88 online live casino, and Kenneth E. Nussear. Ecological Niche Modeling and Diachronic Change in Paleoindian Land Use in the w88 online live casino.Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 45:103564.
- 2022 w88 online live casino, Geoffrey M., Sara Sturtz, Anna J. Camp, Kenneth D. Adams, Elizabeth Kallenbach, Richard L. Rosencrance, and Richard E. Hughes. Leonard Rockshelter Revised: Evaluating a 70-year-old claim of a Late Pleistocene Human Occupation in the Western w88 online live casino.American Antiquity.
- 2022 Rhode, Dave, Geoffrey M. w88 online live casino, Eric Dillingham, Haden U. Kingrey, and Nicole D. George. The Nye Canyon Paleo Site: An Upper Montane Mixed Fluted, Clovis Blade, and w88 online live casino Assemblage in Lyon Canyon,PaleoAmerica 8(2):115-129.
- 2021 Jazwa, Christopher S., Geoffrey M. w88 online live casino, Richard L. Rosencrance, Daron Duke, and Daniel Stueber. A Revised Calendar Age for the Paleoindian Buhl Burial from South-Central Idaho and its Relevance to the Western Stemmed-Clovis Debate w88 online live casino West.American Antiquity 86(1):173-182.
- 2020 Bradley, Erica J., Geoffrey M. w88 online live casino, and Teresa A. Wriston. Possible Paleoindian Geophyte Use in Hawksy Walksy Valley, Oregon.Journal of California and w88 online live casino Anthropology40(2):129-143.
- 2020 w88 online live casino, Geoffrey M., Daron Duke, Dennis L. Jenkins, Ted Goebel, Loren G. Davis, Patrick O’Grady, Daniel Stueber, Jordan Pratt, and Heather L. w88 online live casino. The Western Stemmed Tradition: Problems and Prospects in Paleoindian Archaeology in the Intermountain West. PaleoAmerica 6(1):23-42.
- 2019 Rosencrance, w88 online live casino L., Geoffrey M. w88 online live casino, Dennis L. Jenkins, Thomas J. Connolly, and Thomas N. Layton. Reinvestigating Cougar Mountain Cave: New Perspectives on Stratigraphy, Chronology, and a Younger Dryas Occupation in the Northern w88 online live casino.American Antiquity 84(3):559-573.
- Ph.D., w88 online live casino Wyoming, 2010
Professional certifications
- 2022 Paul and Judy Bible w88 online live casino Teaching Excellence Award
- 2021 Nevada System of Higher Education Regents’ Teaching Award
- 2019 Donald J. Tibbitts Distinguished Teacher Award
- 2018 Alan Bible Excellence in Teaching Award
- 2013 College of Liberal Arts Dean’s Teaching Award