w88 mobile
w88 mobile 1: Learning
Prepare graduates to compete globally through high-quality undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the liberal arts, sciences and selected professional programs.
- % of student full-time equivalent (FTE) taught by ranked faculty (tenure-track, tenured, continuing lecturer)
- % of student FTE taught tenure-track/tenured faculty (lower- and upper-division)
- % of student FTE taught by LOAs (adjunct instructors)
- % of undergraduate classes with 19 or fewer students
- % of graduating class who studied abroad (USAC + exchanges)
- diversity of academic faculty
- % of degree programs reviewed through program review or disciplinary accreditation on an 8-year cycle
- undergraduate enrollment
- % of entering class with ACT ≥26 or equivalent
- enrollment of National Merit scholars
- enrollment of National Hispanic scholars
- undergraduate student body - % ethnic diversity
- first-year retention (fall to fall)
- 4-year graduation rate
- 6-year graduation rate
- 6-year graduation rate-ethnically diverse
- NCAA Graduation Success Rate (GSR)
- # of bachelor's degrees granted
- student:faculty ratio
- student participation in NevadaFIT
- average student credit load (taken and earned)
- professional advisor:student ratio
- % student FTE taught by tenured/tenure-track faculty
- % of doctoral students on teaching (TA) and research (RA) assistantships
- % of master's students onteaching (TA) and research (RA) assistantships
- graduate TA lines (% of graduate students with teaching assistantships)
- graduate TA stipend
- % of degree programs reviewed through program review or disciplinary accreditation on 8-year cycle
- doctoral enrollment
- master's enrollment
- graduate student body-% ethnic diversity
- size of UNRSOM class
- % of doctoral students completing degree in 6 years
- % of doctoral students completing degree in 6 years -ethnically diverse
- % of master's students completing degree in 4 years
- % of master's students completing degree in 4 years -ethnically diverse
- doctoral degrees granted: research/scholarship and M.D.
- master's degrees granted
- degrees granted in health professions (Medicine, Nursing, Public Health, Social Work, Speech Pathology, Psychology)
- degrees granted in teacher, principal, and special education preparation
- online courses offered
- online degree programs
- student FTE delivered online
- % of credit hours delivered online
- employment rate 1 year after graduation
w88 mobile 2: Discovery
Create new knowledge through basic and applied research, scholarship and artistry in strategically selected fields relevant to w88 mobile and its role in the wider world.
- overall annual sponsored research expenditures (NSF)
- annual sponsored research awards
- # of graduate research assistantships
- # of postdoctoral scholars
- # of research (non-tenure track) faculty supported by grants
- refereed journal articles published by tenured/tenure-track and research faculty (per capita)
- peer-reviewed scholarly or creative books published by tenured/tenure-track and research faculty (per capita)
- peer-reviewed book chapters published by tenured/tenure-track and research faculty (per capita)
- national/international performances and exhibitions by tenured/tenure-track faculty in the School of the Arts (per capita)
- number of academic faculty members (tenure-track/tenured, research, instructors and lecturers, research staff)
- invention disclosures
- number of new agreements
- total revenues
- number of start-up companies
- number of patent applications filed
- square footage of research and artistry space
- research equipment expenditures
- grant proposals submitted (total)
- % of faculty submitting grant proposals
- success rate of grant proposal submissions
w88 mobile 3: Engagement
Strengthen the social, economic and environmental well-being of people by engaging w88 mobile citizens, communities, and governments.
- civic engagement/community events (student-sponsored)
- number of civic engagement/community affiliates
- hours/impact of civic engagement/community activities
- number of students involved in civic engagement/community activities
- faculty serving on committees/organizations for state of w88 mobile
- contracts for public instruction and public service - awards
- contracts for public instruction and public service - expenditures
- companies served by Small Business Development Center
- community partners for service learning
- Continuing Medical Education (professional development courses and workshops)-UNR School of Medicine participants
- Continuing Education Units (professional development courses and workshops)-Orvis participants
- Continuing Education Units (professional development courses and workshops)-Social Work participants
- clients served through clinical services (by # of visits) - health care, psychology, counseling and educational psychology
- formal partnerships with health care organizations: % of M.D. students placed at clinical training sites, # of affiliation agreements for faculty clinical research
- Northern w88 mobile Graduate Medical Education residencies and fellowships
- participants in non-credit professional development programs (total)
- number of students completing service learning courses
- experiential learning through UNCE 4H programs
- participation in statewide disaster preparedness programs (Living with Fire)
- Osher Lifelong Learning Institute - participants
- K-12 outreach -% of academic faculty involved
- Washoe County high school graduates (matriculating at UNR) prepared to enroll in college-ready math and English
- High school students completing dual-credit courses
- Students pursuing NevadaTeach teacher certification
- Dean's Future Scholars
- attendance at athletic events
- participation in festivals and camps
- w88 mobile Cooperative Extension publications