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ICT Subcommittees and Chairs

Below is an organization chart of the active subcommittees under the campus ICT Committee and their respective Chairs.

  • Sasi Pillay Chair, Information & Communication w88 casino games loginTechnology (ICT) committee
    • w88 casino gamesEd Huffman Chair, Instructional Materials Subcommittee
    • Linda Kopecky Co-Chair, Research & Scholarly Works Subcommittee
    • Shiva Pourgholaminejad Chair, Software Subcommittee
    • Kalena Pelekai-Wai Chair, Web Subcommittee kpelekai-wai@unr.edu

Information & Communication w88 casino games loginTechnology (ICT) committee Members

Technology w88 casino games loginAccessibility is an institution-wide responsibility. To help the University achieve accessibility compliance, the Information and Communication w88 casino games loginTechnology (ICT) committee was formed to bring together the talented and dedicated professionals who are best positioned to lead the effort. View list of individuals who are part of the ICT Committee.