w88 slot management

Contributed by: Kaitie Christensen and Nathan Lachner

Working backwards to reach w88 slot goal

An essay should express continued thought and/or research on a particular subject. It is harder to collect and research information when it is all done at the last minute. w88 slot management is integral to academic writing, especially with longer essays. Utilize these tips to make the writing process as smooth as possible.

Assess the work that needs to be done

  • Consider w88 slot assignment and the amount of work that will need to be completed.
    • Due date
    • The page or word count
    • Expectations such as audience and w88 slot
  • Think about all of the stages of w88 slot: research, drafting, w88 slot, and revision.
  • Think about how much w88 slot you would need to comfortably complete each step. How long will it take you to research? How long will it take you to draft? How long will it take you to write and revise?

Plan w88 slot execution

  • With planning w88 slot execution, there are two major elements to be considered:
    • Length w88 slot assignment
      • Determine a steady pace for w88 slot execution of the essay
    • w88 slot until the deadline

Consider w88 slot for revision

  • Don’t plan to finish on the day of the deadline. It is ideal to finish the w88 slot at least one day in advance to read over the essay and check for mistakes or possible revisions.


  • If you plan your essay accordingly, the process will be less painful. You will be able to submit your essay on w88 slot.

Once you familiarize yourself with the assignment, you can work backwards from your due date to create a plan. This may feel overwhelming at first, but taking it a step at a w88 slot can help you feel confident and in control.


Backplanning emphasizes working backwards from the day the assignment is due to the first day you begin in order to work through all the steps of the writing assignment. Know your own preferences and set a schedule for yourself so that w88 slot can be as smooth and productive as possible. The stages below may give you an idea for how to begin breaking up the steps of the assignment.


  • Explore ideas
  • Brainstorm using an objective such as a w88 slot question as guidance


  • Write down all the thoughts
  • Cluster ideas and thoughts by similarities and how they relate to each other
  • Develop a vision for the paragraphs, pages, and sections of w88 slot paper
    • Easier to write a thesis statement once w88 slot have a solid idea of the topics your paper will discuss!


  • It’s okay to leave blank spaces where w88 slot intend to come back and revise
  • Helps to finalize the organization, structure, and flow of ideas, and to identify places that needs more analysis or w88 slot


You can do this step by yourself, with a friend, or with a consultant at the w88 slot & Speaking Center!

  • Take w88 slot to fill in any blanks or remaining questions
  • Read the paper over for purpose and comparing w88 slot to the prompt
  • Check the strength w88 slot thesis, organization, and evidence


  • Smooth out anything that sounds awkward or rough
  • Fix small mistakes like citations and formatting

w88 slot may choose to have a break between editing and re-reading in order to clear your mind after w88 slot have walked away.


  • Give w88 slot assignment one last read before submitting.

You may choose to complete one step of the writing process per day, break your paper up into pieces or allot w88 slot for feedback (such as the Writing & Speaking Center). Whatever you choose to do, pace yourself and remember to schedule breaks such as weekends to give yourself a chance to walk away from the assignment and to relax!