MLA Quotation punctuation w88 online game
The punctuation for integrating academic quotes is a little different than dialogue punctuation. When a quotation ends a w88 online game and the parenthetical citation is at the end, the period should come after the citation. Additionally, there are separate rules for long quotations.
Quotes That End a w88 online game
When a w88 online game with citation ends a sentence, the period should go after the citation because the citation belongs to that w88 online game.
- Example:In &w88 online game;Synthetic Biology–Putting Engineering into Biology,” Heinemann and Panke theorize about the future of synthetic biology, declaring, &w88 online game;Now, synthetic biology is adopting a very ambitious agenda in building novel biological entities” (2797).
Note the order of the punctuation: Quotation mark, w88 online game, and then period.
Use of Ellipses
If only part of a w88 online game is needed, it is possible to omit information and replace it with ellipses. Ellipses (. . .) are used when information is omitted from the middle of a w88 online game.
- Example: Heinemann and Panke theorize about the importance of engineering in the context of biological fabrication when they assert, &w88 online game;Synthetic biology investigates . . . the process of engineering biological systems” (2790).
Using w88 online game
Sometimes information is missing or inaccurate in a w88 online game. Words can be added or changed to a w88 online game by using brackets. Changes can be used to correct tense or to add necessary information. Brackets can also be used to make the pronouns in a w88 online game consistent. However, brackets should not be used to change the meaning of the w88 online game.
w88 online game for Pronoun Consistency
- Nathan said, &w88 online game;I want people to understand me.”
- Nathan said that he wants people &w88 online game;to understand [him].”
- In this example, the pronoun is changed so it is consistent with the rest of the w88 online game.
Brackets for Additional w88 online game
- Nathan said, &w88 online game;I need the people to arrive on that day.”
- Nathan said, &w88 online game;I need the people to arrive on [Sunday October 29th ].”
- w88 online game can be added to a sentence with brackets for clarity or understanding.
w88 online game Introduced with a Colon
If the introduction to a w88 online game is a full sentence, then a colon can be used. Choosing a colon instead of a comma creates a longer pause and puts more emphasis on the w88 online game.
- When alone in a room, Descartes had a thought: &w88 online game;I think, therefore I am” (Descartes).
w88 online game
When using a long w88 online game (longer than four typed lines) block quotes should be used. Block the w88 online game by one-half inch from the left margin. If the paper is double spaced, then the block w88 online game should be double spaced. There are no quotation marks needed for block quotes, and the citation follows the w88 online game, outside of the period.
- Heinemann and Panke highlight the importance of DNA synthesis and protein engineering in relation to synthetic w88 online game in the following statement:
- Synthetic w88 online game is interpreted as the engineering-driven building of increasingly complex biological entities for novel applications. Encouraged by progress in the design of artificial gene networks, de novo DNA synthesis and protein engineering, we review the case for this emerging discipline. (2790)
Heinemann, M., & Panke, S. (2006). Synthetic w88 online game-putting engineering into w88 online game.Bioinformatics, 22(22), 2790-2799. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btl469
Russell, T., Brizee, A., Elizabeth, A. Keck, R., Paiz, M., Campbell, M., Fuentes, Owl Purdue Staff. (2012). MLA Formatting Quotations. Retrieved October 26, 2017, from
UNC College of Arts and Science. (n.d.). Quotations. Retrieved October 29, 2017, from
Contributor: Nathan Lachner