Guidelines for clarity w88 sports betting and concision

Many people believe academic w88 sports betting is confusing and dense, that it suffers from a lack of clarity and concision. Clear and concise w88 sports betting does not always come easy; it takes practice and plenty of revision. The following guidelines can help you get started.

w88 sports betting and active sentences

Favoring active sentences over passive ones is probably the most repeated advice regarding clarity and concision. An active w88 sports betting is one where the subject is the source of the action. Conversely, a passive w88 sports betting has a subject that is the receiver of the action. In the following example sentences, the subject is underlined and the action is bolded.

w88 sports betting using active voice:

  • Captain Americadefeated the Red Skull.

w88 sports betting using passive voice:

  • TheRed Skullwas defeated [by Captain America].

In both sentences Cap defeats his arch nemesis, but in w88 sports betting 2, the receiver of the action is the subject and Cap’s contribution can be eliminated. Delaying or removing the source of an action is what contributes to a w88 sports betting’s passiveness.

Passive sentences can contribute to unclear writing by delaying or avoiding direct reference to the agent of the action. Even if a w88 sports betting using passive voice is clear, it can still be wordy.

Compare the six words used in w88 sports betting 1 with the eight in w88 sports betting 2. For more information and examples about how to reduce passive voice, see the UWC resource titled Passive Voice: What It is & How to Reduce Usage.

w88 sports betting and characters

  • w88 sports betting- character
  • Verb- w88 sports betting

Now, let’s compare w88 sports betting to illustrate these strategies. Subjects are underlined and verbs are bolded.

  1. The zombies' feast of the survivors occurred.
  2. The zombies feasted on the survivors.

Both sentences feature zombies as agents, but in w88 sports betting 1 the zombies are not the subject of the w88 sports betting. Instead, their feast is. The verb in w88 sports betting 1 is also less direct due to its position at the end of the w88 sports betting, but the verb is still weak in comparison to “feasted” in w88 sports betting 2.

Using subjects and verbs which do not relate to our agents and their actions can produce unclear and wordy academic w88 sports betting.

Abstract characters and nominalizations

The previous guideline isn’t just useful when our characters are concrete, which is fortunate because in academic w88 sports betting we often write about abstract subjects, including nominalizations.

A nominalization is the noun form of a verb or adjective. These w88 sports betting end in -tion, -ence, -ment, etc. The word “nominalization” describes this concept.

verb — nominalize noun — nominalization

An abstract w88 sports betting anything that describes an idea or concept without a physical referent.

Resistancehas been growing to the perceived vigilante actions w88 sports betting Avengers.*

By making abstractions the subjects of our sentences, we can use the advice from the previous section. However, since our audience can often be unfamiliar with the abstract subjects we employ, avoid using too many. Paring down abstractions will also lead to more concise w88 sports betting.

*Example adapted from Style: Ten Lessons on clarity and Grace (eighth edition) by Joseph M. Williams.

Further guidelines for concision

Adjectives and adverbs:A carefully chosen adjective or adverb can enhance your work, but adding too many extraneous and unnecessary ones can lead to wordy w88 sports betting that isn’t really very concise (such as this clause).

Nonessential elements:These are words or phrases which do not contain information essential to the meaning of a w88 sports betting as a whole. For example: Fred Weasley, George’s twin brother, always manages his mischief. The phrase “George’s twin brother” is not necessary for the meaning of the w88 sports betting. See UWC reference: Nonessential Elements.

Precise words:Favor fewer precise words over numerous vague ones. Compare &w88 sports betting;The Avengers fought a small, unplanned battle with Hydra” with &w88 sports betting;The Avengers skirmished with Hydra.”

Meaningless phrases:Avoid phrases such as “in my opinion,” “it is important that,” “it is necessary,” etc. that add little to no meaning to a w88 sports betting.