w88 Tile

Component overview

w88 Tiles are linking elements that place text on top of an image with a colored w88.

Example w88 Tile components

Example #1

w88 Tile, 2-tiles, color images with different overlays

Get to know the University

Explore some of the bulidings on the campus of the w88 casino, Reno

Example #2

w88 Tile, 3-tiles, with grayscale images, blue overlays and tile descriptions

Example #3

w88 Tile, 4-tiles, with grayscale images and alternating color overlays

Get to know the University

Explore some of the bulidings on the campus of the w88 casino, Reno

Example #4

w88 Tile, 6-tiles, with color images, alternating color overlays and no header