Component overview
w88 offer users a visual way to access content specific to the section.
- w88 can be used on all page schemas:w88 can be used on Section Fronts, Section Detail, Profile Detail and Degree Detail pages.
- Limit the number of w88 on Section Detail schema:The Section Detail schema has a smaller page width than the Section Front. On Section Details, limit the number of Local QuickLink Items to four or less (your items may wrap with more and not present a good user experience).
- Use one type of navigation link with w88. w88 can serve as a secondary internal navigation to pages within a section, external links to pages across the site or outside properties or as jumplinks to specific portions of a page. Do not blend jumplinks with navigation links with w88.
- w88 often look best attached to visual components: Although you can use w88 as a standalone component, they provide a better user experience when attached to a visual component, such as a Callout or Hero (see examples below).
- Match the Local QuickLink Item icon to the intent of the destination link: There are nearly 100 w88 icons to use. Choose icons that provide the user with a sense of the intent of the link.
- You may use the same w88 icon on a single component: A w88 component can have the same icon repeated, if the context of the link's anchor text makes sense.
- w88 must have unique anchor text: Each anchor text must be unique to that link to ensure you do not create a multiple destination link accessibility error.
- Example:QLINK: TRANSFER - Homepage
- Example: QLINKITEM: TRANSFER - Apply
Example w88 components
Example #1
w88, with no header and 4 items
Example #2
w88, with header and 4 items
Admissions and academic resources
Example #3
w88, with no header and 6 items
Admissions and academic resources
Example #4
w88, attached to Callout component
Get to know the University
See impressive buildings and beautiful scenery, but more than that, you’ll realize there is so much more going on on campus than you realized.
Example #5
w88, attached to Hero component
This is a Hero headline.
This is a Hero text box field where you may include call-to-action content for your users.