Component overview
Inline w88 online sports betting shows a list of w88 online sports betting in an easy-to-read two-column layout. This component should be used to format large amounts of w88 online sports betting for display.
- There are two versions of the Inline Link component.Advanced Inline w88 online sports betting, which offer the ability to dynamically link to the catalog, and Inline w88 online sports betting.
- Advanced Inline w88 online sports betting house Inline Link Items: Inline Link Items create the link list at the bottom of an Advanced Inline Link component. Inline Link Items have two types:
- Catalog Item: This section dynamically generate up-to-date catalog w88 online sports betting. You must enter the exact name of the catalog page you are linking to in the Catalog Object Name section but you can override this with custom anchor text in the Link Text section below. Finally, select the type of catalog page you are linking to (program, for a degree program, or page, for other sections of the catalog).
- Standard Link: Use this section for a standard internal, external or document link.
- Inline w88 online sports betting and Advanced Inline w88 online sports betting can be used on all page schemas: Inline w88 online sports betting can be used on Section Fronts, Section Detail, Profile Detail and Degree Detail pages.
- w88 online sports betting remain left-aligned:Although you may adjust the positioning of the component's title and body copy, you cannot adjust the layout of the w88 online sports betting in the component.
- w88 online sports betting can be displayed horizontally or vertically. w88 online sports betting will default to a horizontal layout but you can override and select a vertical display.
- Consider how many w88 online sports betting you use:w88 online sports betting are arranged in columns. Review how your w88 online sports betting appear prior to publishing. Too many w88 online sports betting can be overwhelming for users - make sure your w88 online sports betting provide clear value.
- Organize your w88 online sports betting: Your w88 online sports betting will appear in the list in the order you place them. If not alphabetical, make sure there is a clear organization to your w88 online sports betting.
- No background color. The Inline w88 online sports betting component does not allow for a background color.
- Select a proper H- or P-tag for your Inline w88 online sports betting: Be sure to select a proper H-tag for the position of your Inline w88 online sports betting on the page to ensure you do not skip H-tag levels and adhere to our accessibility and on-page optimization guidelines .
- Inline w88 online sports betting anchor text (w88 online sports betting) must be unique: Each anchor text must be unique to that link to ensure you do not create a multiple destination link accessibility error.
- Inline w88 online sports betting require a group heading: This field is for screenreaders only and is not shown on the page. Each Inline Link component requires a unique group heading describing the nature of the w88 online sports betting grouped in that component.
- Inline w88 online sports betting require manual review in SiteImprove: You will need to review and approve your group heading in SiteImprove to confirm it accurately describes the w88 online sports betting in the group.
- Example: INLINE: CLA - Student Resources
- Example: ADVINLINE: CLA - Student Resources
- Example: INLINE: CLA - Academic Advising link
Example Inline w88 online sports betting components
Example #1
Inline w88 online sports betting, with body copy and 12 w88 online sports betting
Tuition and financial aid resources
The Office of Financial Aid and the Cashier's Office are the central resources for resources regarding student fees and tuition, loans and financial aid packages, scholarships, making payments and more.
Tuition and financial aid w88 online sports betting
Example #2
Inline w88 online sports betting, with no body copy, 6 w88 online sports betting, and vertical layout
Tuition and financial aid resources
Related w88 online sports betting about tuition and financial aid
Advanced Inline w88 online sports betting with catalog w88 online sports betting
The first two w88 online sports betting below use the Inline Link Item component to generate dynamic w88 online sports betting to the course catalog.
Related w88 online sports betting for academic resources