For those already getting that w88 bet itch,w88 casino, Reno Extensionis ready to help you dive in. Extension is kicking off its “GardeninginNevada: The Bartley Ranch Series” weekly workshops in Reno to help both new and experienced gardeners hone their w88 bet skills.
Led by Extension and their certifiedMaster Gardenersand offered in partnership with Washoe County Regional Parks and Open Space, these w88 bet are free and run 6 – 8 p.m., every Tuesday, Feb. 18 through April 1, at Bartley Ranch Regional Park, 6000 Bartley Ranch Road in Reno.
“From those who are just interested in growing houseplants to those with large gardens and landscapes, these classes are great for anyone who wants to learn from experienced Master Gardeners, who live, grow and harvest in our northern w88 casino area,” Rachel McClure, Master Gardener coordinator for Extension in Washoe County, said.
All classes are taught by certified Extension staff or Master Gardener volunteers. Classes are free, but the Master Gardeners ask those attending to consider bringing a canned food item for the Food Bank of Northern w88 casino and toregister onlinefor each class they plan to attend. Classesinclude:
- Feb. 18: Houseplants – Master Gardener Abigail Jarrett will break down how different variables affect houseplants, and how to address common houseplant issues.
- Feb. 25: Fire Adapted Landscape – Master Gardener Suzanne Arney will share how to apply defensible space principles and proven steps to improve personal safety and home survival during wildfire.
- March 4: Pond/Water w88 bet – Extension Master Gardener Coordinator Rachel McClure will discuss w88 bet with ponds and water features.
- March 11: Plant Journaling, Getting Started – Master Gardener Diane Miniel will share the value of garden journaling and tips to help you along the way.
- March 18: The Cut Flower Garden – Master Gardener Deborah Henderson will discuss how to choose, grow and harvest plants for cut flowers, and will share tips on putting together bouquets.
- March 25:Successful Vegetable w88 bet – Master Gardener Randy Robison will share his time-tested tips for successfully growing vegetables in our unique climate and conditions.
- April 1: From This Year’s Flowers to Next Year's Plants, All About Seeds – Master Gardeners Rod Haulenbeek and Mark Humphreys will talk all about successful w88 bet with seeds.
Those with questions about the Gardening in w88 casino workshops shouldemailMcClure. Persons planning to attend a session who may need special accommodations or assistance shouldemailPaul Lessick, civil rights and compliance coordinator or call him at 702-257-5577 at least five days prior to the scheduled event with their needs or for more information.
Those with w88 bet questions may alsoemailthe Master Gardeners, call them at 775-784-4848, or visit the Master Gardener help desk at the Extension office in Reno at 4955 Energy Way, 10 a.m. – 2 pm., Tuesdays – Thursdays.