Chang Hyun Seo’s w88 sports betting focuses on poverty, inequality, the welfare state and quantitative data analysis. He also pursues a w88 sports betting agenda to enhance the support and protection of the working poor and unemployed.
He strives to improve social w88 sports betting students' research interests and skills. He is passionate about collaborating with students on research projects as a research mentor for the Undergraduate Research (Pack Research Experience Program: PREP). In addition, he is interested in developing teaching skills using new ideas and technology to improve students' engagement in the classroom as an ambassador for the Digital Wolf Pack Initiative (DWPI).
Areas of interest
- Welfare state and welfare regime typology
- Poverty, in-w88 sports betting poverty and inequality
- The working poor, unemployed and their dependents (children and older adults)
- w88 sports betting policy analysis
- Social w88 sports betting research methods
- Quantitative data analysis
Courses taught at the w88 sports betting of Nevada, Reno
- SW 440: Introduction to Social w88 sports betting Research
- SW 441: Data Analysis for w88 sports betting Workers
- Ph.D., Social Work, w88 sports betting of Social Work, University of Texas at Arlington, 2020
- MSW, w88 sports betting Welfare, Department of w88 sports betting Welfare, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea, 2011
- B.A., French Language and Literature, College of Humanities, Inha w88 sports betting, South Korea, 2004