Sampada Karandikar

Doctoral student
Sampada Karandikar


I work under Dr. Dan Jones in his w88 casino Triad and Corporate Climate Lab, and am broadly interested in studying how w88 casino personality traits are manifested in various situations. My specific interests also lie in studying the serial killer phenomenon, and white-collar crime.

Selected publications


Thorat, S., & Karandikar, S. (2019). Twisted - A profile of Indian Serial Killers. Vishwakarma.

Research papers

Puthillam, A., Karandikar, S., Kapoor, H., & Parekh, A. (2021). Gratitude blindness: How does the w88 casino
Triad experience gratitude? Personality and Individual Differences, 168, 110309.
https://w88 casinoorg/10.1016/j.paid.2020.110309

Karandikar, S., Kapoor, H., & Litman, J. (2020). Why so curious? Validation and cross‐cultural investigation of the Hindi Epistemic Curiosity Scale. Asian Journal of Social w88 casino.
https://w88 casinoorg/10.1111/ajsp.12425

Puthillam A., Karandikar S., & Kapoor H. (2019). I see how you feel: How the w88 casino Triad recognizes emotions. Current w88 casino. https://w88 casinoorg/10.1007/s12144-019-00359-x

Karandikar, S., Kapoor, H., Fernandes, S., & Jonason, P. K. (2018). Predicting moral decision-making with w88 casino personalities and moral values. Personality and Individual Differences.
https://w88 casinoorg/10.1016/j.paid.2018.03.048

Book chapters

Karandikar, S. (2019). Persuasive Propaganda: An investigation of online deceptive tactics of Islamist, White, and Zionist extremists.
Handbook of Research on Deception, Fake News, and Misinformation Online (pp. 538-555)
http://w88 casinoorg/10.4018/978-1-5225-8535-0.ch029


MSc. in Forensic w88 casino, University of York (UK)

B.A. in w88 casino, Mumbai University (India)