Frequently asked questions about the w88 online sports betting

Has there been a retired faculty organization at the w88 online sports betting, Reno previously?

This appears to be the first such organization at the w88 online sports betting, Reno although there has been interest among retired faculty in forming such an organization for at least the past decade.

Are retired faculty organizations common?

Currently, there are more than seventy such organizations in the nation. They are most common in California. USC began the first one more than sixty years ago and was instrumental in creating a national organization, the Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education.

Why should I join?

There are many reasons. Among them: to stay connected to the university and continue to share your expertise, to have opportunities for social interaction, to learn about planning and implementing the best retirement for you and your loved ones, and to help advocate for retiree benefits.

Who can join?

Any former academic or administrative faculty member can join even if you have not applied for official emeritus status. In addition, spouses and partners of retired faculty members may join and may maintain membership status if their spouse or partner is deceased.

Is the w88 online sports betting part of the University?

Yes. Our bylaws state that we are legally part of the University and that all of our funds must be held in University accounts. Consequently, we are subject to policies adopted by the Board of Regents and contained in the UNR Administrative Manual.

What volunteer opportunities are available at the University for retired faculty?

Volunteer opportunities are being identified and compiled and will continue to develop as the RFA matures. Opportunities may include mentoring or tutoring students, mentoring current faculty, serving on university committees, participating in RFA committees, and others. Please see ourVolunteer Opportunitiesor contact us by email.