Protect w88 live casino innovation
Success in research and technology commercialization requires w88 live casino active participation in the process. Enterprise & Innovation will involve you along the way, making the endeavor a team effort.
Follow this step by step process through w88 live casino commercialization to learn:
- Where to begin
- How to protect w88 live casino ideas
- How to position w88 live casino innovation for commercial markets
- What to expect for w88 live casino efforts
The w88 live casino process
1: w88 live casino
Observations and experiments during research activities often lead to discoveries, innovations, and inventions. It can sometimes be difficult to identify which part of a complex research effort might constitute an innovation; therefore, it is important to keep good, reliable laboratory records of w88 live casino research activities. Remember, before sharing the results of any research, or publishing, it is important to ask Enterprise & Innovation whether the document or disclosure contains any innovation that could be patented, as patent rights can be lost upon publication or presentation. Enterprise & Innovation will never ask you delay publishing or presenting – our work will be based on w88 live casino timeline.
2: w88 live casino disclosure
An innovation disclosure is a confidential document that provides Enterprise & Innovation with basic information about w88 live casino innovation. Once we have received w88 live casino disclosure, someone from our office will reach out to you to begin the process. An innovation disclosure should be submitted before any disclosure of w88 live casino technology outside of the University community.
3: Intellectual property assessment
Enterprise & w88 live casino will conduct an assessment to determine whether IP protection is needed to commercialize the w88 live casino. This involves a review of the w88 live casino disclosure and research regarding the market, competitive technologies and prior art.
4: Protection
Based on the assessment, Enterprise & w88 live casino will determine whether it will file for patent protection. When appropriate, the University may utilize copyright or trademark rights to commercialize University innovations or works of authorship per the 6,507: w88 Property Policy.
5: w88 live casino assessment
We aim to maximize the impact and reach of w88 live casino work. Enterprise & Innovation will evaluate the global market potential of w88 live casino innovation and assess regional to international opportunities with industry leading companies, entrepreneurs and investors.
6: Spin-out or partnership
Depending on the w88 live casino, Enterprise & w88 live casino will help you determine a route for step 6.
- Start a spin-out company
- Find a partner to license the w88 live casino
6a: Start a company
Certain technologies and innovations may be best suited for a spin-out company – a new company formed specifically to develop technology arising from within the University. Spin-outs may include the direct involvement of the founding researchers.
6b: Find a partner
Certain technologies and innovations may be best suited for a licensing partnership with an existing company. Enterprise & w88 live casino will conduct market research, develop a list of market contacts, and coordinate with the researcher to attract potential licensees.
7: Licensing
Marketing activities may result in one or more potential partners conducting an in-depth examination of the technology and market opportunity. If a prospect wants to license a technology, they will present a plan for commercialization and negotiate business terms with Enterprise & w88 live casino. From there, our office prepares a formal agreement draft, negotiates and ultimately executes the license.
8: Revenue
Royalties and other revenue received by the University under the license agreement are shared with University inventors in accordance with the 6,507: w88 Property Policy.
9: Relationship management
Once a license agreement has been completed, the licensee will continue to develop the w88 live casino to create products or services in accordance with the terms of the license agreement. Throughout the duration of the agreement, Enterprise & w88 live casino will monitor the progress of the licensee to verify they are in compliance with their obligations and ensure that royalty payments are received and distributed accordingly.
w88 slot Enterprise & Innovation with questions on the w88 live casino commercialization process or to get started!