Protect w88 live casino innovation

Success in research and technology commercialization requires w88 live casino active participation in the process. Enterprise & Innovation will involve you along the way, making the endeavor a team effort.

Follow this step by step process through w88 live casino commercialization to learn:

  • Where to begin
  • How to protect w88 live casino ideas
  • How to position w88 live casino innovation for commercial markets
  • What to expect for w88 live casino efforts

The w88 live casino process

6a: Start a company

Certain technologies and innovations may be best suited for a spin-out company – a new company formed specifically to develop technology arising from within the University. Spin-outs may include the direct involvement of the founding researchers.

6b: Find a partner

Certain technologies and innovations may be best suited for a licensing partnership with an existing company. Enterprise & w88 live casino will conduct market research, develop a list of market contacts, and coordinate with the researcher to attract potential licensees.

w88 slot Enterprise & Innovation with questions on the w88 live casino commercialization process or to get started!