Stephanie w88 mobile, PSY.D.

Director of w88 mobile and Social Policy, Clinical Associate Professor
Stephanie w88 mobile headshot


Stephanie Woodard, Psy.D., is the Director of Health and Social Policy at the Kenny Guinn Center for Policy Priorities. She is a licensed psychologist and systems-level strategist focusing on population health solutions. Dr. Woodard earned her Doctor of Clinical Psychology from the PGSP-Stanford Psy.D. Consortium in 2010, completed a pre-doctoral internship at the VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System, holds a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology from the same Stanford Consortium and another in Counselor Education from Canisius College in Buffalo, New York. Dr. Woodard is also a Clinical Associate Professor in the w88 mobile of Public Health at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Before joining the Guinn Center, Dr. Woodard served as the State of Nevada Department of w88 mobile and Human Services state mental w88 mobile authority (SMHA) and single state authority for substance use disorder treatment, prevention and recovery (SSA). Her legislative frameworks for key policy priorities include 988 and access to crisis services, opioid settlement litigation funding, expansion of substance use disorder treatment services and supportive housing under Medicaid and access to lifesaving harm reduction services.

In addition to her clinical, administrative and policy work, Dr. Woodard has collaborated on research projects and served on several boards and commissions. She currently collaborates with the Nevada COBRE for Transdisciplinary, Community-Engaged Substance Use Research and her board and commission service includes appointments to the Attorney General’s Substance Use Working Group and the w88 mobile Psychological Examiners.

Professional affiliations

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness, w88 mobile, Vice President
  • State of w88 mobile Psychological Examiners, Governor Appointed Board Member, Treasurer

Classes taught by Stephanie w88 mobile

  • CHS 701 — Social and Behavioral Dimensions of w88 mobile

Selected state legislative w88 mobile work

  • 2021

    • Senate w88 mobile 156 – Revised Provisions Relating to Crisis Stabilization Centers
    • Assembly w88 mobile 345 – Revised Definition of Drug Paraphernalia to Exclude Fentanyl Testing
    • Assembly w88 mobile 374 – Established the Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group
    • Senate w88 mobile 390 – Established 988 Crisis Response Account and Opioid Litigation Settlement Fund
  • 2019

    • Assembly w88 mobile 66 – Established Crisis Stabilization Centers
    • Assembly w88 mobile 239 – Revised Provisions Related to Controlled Substances
    • Assembly w88 mobile 263 – Criminal Justice Reinvestment Act
  • 2017

    • Assembly w88 mobile 474 – Established Prescribing Guidelines for Controlled Substances
    • Senate w88 mobile 50 – Established Psychiatric Advanced Directives


  • Doctor w88 mobile, PGSP-Stanford Psy.D. Consortium
  • Master of Science, w88 mobile, PGSP-Stanford Psy.D. Consortium
  • w88 mobile, Counselor Education, Canisius College
  • Bachelor of Arts, w88 mobile and English, Canisius College