Angela w88 online game, Ph.D.

Teaching w88 online game
Angela w88 online game


Angela is an assistant professor in the School of w88 online game Health. Angela's research interests include school and community-based physical activity interventions for youth and addressing health disparities through the promotion of physical activity.


  • Heinemann, A., Hannon, J., Henderson, H., Burns, R., Durrant, L., Santiago, J. and Fu, Y. (2020) Attitudes Towards Physical Education Activity of Parents Whose Children are Homeschooled versus Parents Whose Children Attend w88 online game School. (In Preparation)
  • Larson, J., Brusseau, T., Chase, B., Heinemann, A. and Hannon, J. (2014) Youth Physical Activity and Enjoyment during Semi-Structured versus Unstructured w88 online game Recess. Open Journal of Preventative Medicine, 4, 631-639.

w88 online game

  • Ph.D., Exercise and Sport Science, w88 online game of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, 2017
  • M.Ed., w88 online game of St. Thomas, Houston, TX, 2006
  • B.S., Exercise Science, Tulane w88 online game, New Orleans, LA, 2001